Saturday, November 1, 2014

Friday October 31, 2014

Friday October 31, 2014 Nancy tried to take Ms P out at 0700 but she refused because of the rain. Nancy was heading to a class at MVP. After breakfast I put a leash on Ms P and dragged her out. It had stopped raining so she did her bidness. I put on my rain suit for my bike ride to MVP. It was cold but no rain. I did all my calisthenics and rowing at MVP. It started to drizzle on my way home. I stopped at Panera for coffee. I was getting ready to leave when I looked out the window and saw it was snowing. I got another coffee and waited until the snow let up a little bit. I made it home without getting too cold. It was a cold snowy afternoon a perfect time to stay inside and read a book. I am reading the third book of Ken Follet’s trilogy about the 20th century. Right now the book is centered on the Cuban Missile Crisis. The USSR had placed nuclear armed missiles in Cuba. President Kennedy wanted them removed. It was a pretty scary time. I was a young Navy Ensign stationed on Midway Island. I was due for a new assignment. I telegraphed the assignment Officer and asked about my new duty station. I was told because of the Crisis no new assignments for six months. I was frozen in place. No way did I want to stay six more months on Midway. Next day the assignment Officer telegraphed and said they had an immediate opening at the Deputy Officer in Charge of Construction, Southeast Asia. I had no idea where SE Asia was but it was a way off Midway so I telegraphed back saying get my ass to SE Asia. When my orders came I saw I was going to Saigon, Viet Nam. I headed to the library to get a map and see where Saigon was. I fell asleep reading. I asked several neighbors about the number of kids on Halloween. Our next door neighbor said in 21 years she had not had one kid. Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. We both had the prime rib sandwich. We watched an episode on the Roosevelt’s. We headed to bed at 2200.

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