Monday, December 1, 2014

Monday December 3, 2014

Everyone up at 0655, Nancy heads to MVP and I head downstairs for calisthenics. The sun does not come up until 0800. The days are really getting short. It was cold, 25, and sunny. Arrived at Panera at 0900 and had to leave at 0925 in order to get in pool at 0955. The wind was strong and hard pedaling. Glad I layered up. I tried using a face mask to stop my runny nose. It is either pool chemicals or cold weather. I got very cold on the ride home so I stopped at Starbucks to warm up and finish reading the WSJ. Got home at 1300. After lunch drove to bike shop to get two bike lock cables. I can now lock up all my bikes. Afternoon nap and then walk. Light dinner, news and now Netflix. Temps in single figures tonight.

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