Saturday, December 6, 2014

Friday December 5, 2014

Friday December 5, 2014 0645 is now our official wake up time. At least until Spring. Nancy heads to MVP and I downstairs for calisthenics. Arrive at Panera at 0900. Leave at 0930 and pedal to MVP. Perfect day for a bike ride. 10 degrees warmer than yesterday and no wind. Also no sun so my right eye stayed open. I was in the pool at 1000 and swam 30 minutes. On way home I stopped at Starbucks to finish WSJ. Arrived home at 1300 and after a quick lunch headed out to run errands. First stop was furniture outlet on East Paris. The sign said out of business. I am looking for a moveable cart to sit next to my desk. Next stop was Staples. They had a cart but not quite what I had in mind. Now that I can use my 21” monitor I am looking for a keyboard. Staples had an Apple wireless keyboard that was $20.00 cheaper than the Apple Store. Why? Stopped at Costco and bought peanut butter and a chicken for dinner tonight. Took a short nap and then because it was such a pleasant day took Ms P on a 1.25 mile walk. Nancy fixed the Costco chicken for dinner. Also had sweet potato and green beans. Tonight will be a Netflix evening. I am generally supportive of the police. I think the shooting in MO was probably justified. In the choking death in NYC I think the Police used excessive force. As I said before I think the English have it right. The police don’t carry guns and the bad guys get stiff penalties if they use a gun. I think unarmed police in GB is still the law?

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