Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tuesday December 9, 2014

Tuesday December 9, 2014 Swim day for both Nancy and Bob, Nancy left the house at 0700 and I left at 0830. I stopped at Panera for coffee and to start reading the paper. At 0930 I head to MVP. I can get in the pool at 0955. While dressing, after my swim, I overheard a man who had just recovered from a cellulitis attack. He was laid up for four days and went on about all the pain. He did not know what caused his attack. My cellulitis attack was confined to one leg and was uncomfortable but not painful. I know he takes a water aerobics class and is frequent user of the hot tub. Were both our infections caused by the hot tub? Since my attack I stopped using the hot tub and I bought a good pair of shower shoes. Continuing comments on MVP I think they have changed their chemical doses for the pool. My nose has been running continually the past week. Today i started using a nose plug. On my way home I stopped at Starbucks to finish reading the WSJ. Today was another great bike riding day, temperature in the mid 30s and cloudy. First thing I did when I got home was to take Ms P on her walk. Had a quick lunch and then a nap. We recently put up a bird feeder on our garage. The birds have been ignoring the feeder. Today I moved it. It is now hanging from our deck and we can see it from our ground floor slider. My fitbit had not gone off today so I walked around our block. The fitbit went off about 100 yards from the house. 10,000 steps is the magic number. It is 1.5 miles around our block. No netflix tonight. We will watch CBS and read the GRP. Yesterday I bought an external keyboard for the laptop. I am now using my big 22 inch monitor with the new keyboard. The big monitor allows me to use larger text.

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