Thursday, December 11, 2014

Thursday December 11, 2014

Thursday December 11, 2014 Swim day for both Nancy and Bob. Nancy leaves at 0700 and I leave at 0830 after breakfast and calisthenics. At 0900 I rode the bike to Panera’s. On Thursdays I cannot get in the pool until 1045 so I have plenty of time to read the WSJ. Today is another sunny day. It was cold, mid 20s, but I was dressed in layers. The pool was crowded but I did get a lane. When I got home, 1230, I immediately took Ms P on her daily 1.25 mile walk. After lunch I took a long nap. I think all the cold fresh air conks me out. I spent some time rearranging my desk and filling my new cart. I like the present arrangement. It is now 1729 and I am heading upstairs to take Nancy to dinner. We are eating at Shepard’s Grill. We really like their salad burger. Stay tuned. The salad burger was great. Shepard’s Grill is within walking distance of the condo. We like the place because it has a neighborhood feel. In other words a lot of old folks go there. We watched part of the news and it is now 1930. We will watch “Big Bang” and then a netflix show before turning in.

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