Friday, December 19, 2014

Friday December 19, 2014

December 19, 2014 Up at 0645, Nancy to MVP and I go downstairs to do the calisthenics. Today is the last day that I do calisthenics for two weeks. I looking forward to the break. Today I had coffee at Panera’s before pedaling to MVP for my swim. It was cold this morning but sunny and no wind. Ideal bike riding conditions if dressed right. The pool was cool this morning and the hot water at MVP was tepid. I was cold when I left MVP. I stopped at Starbucks to finish reading the WSJ. I think Sony made a mistake pulling their movie. Smart folks are suppose to be running the stock market. With all the yo-yoing this week I think the smart folks forgot to take their pills. I am alway amazed at how dumb smart people are! Speaking of pills, we are packing for our trip to CA. Can I get my bottle of pills through security? I will go online to check. Kim came to clean today. I got home about 1300 and I was surprised not to see her car. Nancy said she brought her daughter to help. Ms P is spending two weeks with Kim. Nancy said Ms P was glad to go with Kim. I was so cold when I got home that I turned up the electric blanket and took a warmup nap. I started packing this afternoon. I think I will take a break and go on a short walk. I walked around the block. The temperature had dropped to 30 so I walked briskly. Nancy is fixing beans and rice for dinner. Yummy! Yesterday I talked about my final day on Midway Island. Debbie told me that I can find anything on youtube. I searched for Midway Island and found several videos on Midway. I watched two. It brought back memories. On this date 52 years ago I was schedule to leave Midway on what was called the log flight. The log flights were twice weekly flights from Hawaii. They were scheduled for Monday and Friday. I think I was first in line to board the plane. It was 70 degrees when I left. About half-way to Hawaii I pinched myself to see if it was real. The Commander sitting across from me started to laugh. He said Ensign you are going home. I landed in Hawaii and immediately got on a flight to CA. The Navy paid for the flight to CA, but I had to pay for transportation to Alpena. At SF I changed into civilian clothes. I got into Midway Airport in Chicago early in the morning (Sunday). I then flew North Central to Alpena. We made about five stops in MI before getting to Alpena. It was -17 when I got off the plane in Alpena. Mom and Dad met me at the airport. And so ended Ensign Scotts first duty station. More to come!

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