Friday, December 5, 2014

Thursday December 4, 2014

Thursday December 4, 2014 Up at 0645, Nancy goes swimming and I do the calisthenics at home. Very cold, 19, but sunny so I go on a 100’ bike ride. Winter sun is so low in sky it is difficult pedaling south. Need a billed helmet. After ride, walk over to Panera for coffee. At 1300 we all get in Taurus and head to Costco. Costco has quit carrying Pinconning Cheese. Bummer. Took a nap and then took Ms P on short walk. Too cold. Our internet went off line so I called ATT. After many trips between computer and modem we finally got it back online. Second time this week. Nancy and I got all dressed up for the Meijer’s Christmas Gala. I wore a suit and tie. Nancy looked great. We pick up Kathi Kothi and head to the Gardens. Nancy has to drive because headlights are making it difficult for me. The Gala was well attended with a lot of men in Tux. Did you know I still have my tux from the 50s and it fits? We took a horse and carriage ride around the gardens to see the Christmas lights. On way home EPS called and said our ground floor motion alarm went off. I told them to call the sheriff. Nancy drove like a banshee and got us home in record time. The sheriff department had already arrived. We checked the house and could find no intrusion. False alarm. The Deputy thought Ms P might have set off the alarm. I told him EPS had assured us that small dogs could not set off the alarm. We headed to bed at 2330. Interesting day!

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