Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Wednesday December 17, 2014

Easy Wednesday Was going to walk to Sundance about one mile away. 20 mph winds and 28 degree cold changed mind. Had egg sandwich at Panera. Big news today, Cuba, no fracking in NY, Pakistan killings, oil prices and ruble. Stopped at SCECO, talked to folks, they are having good year. Fire place store in Gaslight said $3,000 to convert Ground floor fireplace to unit providing heat. Too expensive. Looked at Home Depot for electric space heater. Under $500. Lunch then started writing check to charities. Phone call from another fire place company. $3,000 to convert. Will buy electric unit. Nancy worked at Gardens this PM. Finished afternoon with walk around block. Light dinner, watched TV before early bed. Written on mini-iPad.

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