Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Tuesday December 2, 2014

Tuesday December 2, 2014 We both get up at 0645. Nancy heads to the pool and I head downstairs. After breakfast I pedal to Panera for coffee and read the WSJ. The drop in oil prices has caused a lot of chatter. I really think it is a win-win situation. After coffee I stopped at home to drop off the Kindle. I took a 90 minute bike ride. It was cold and sunny but I was dressed warm. The ride was refreshing. I ran several errands before lunch. Took a short nap and at 1500 I headed to the eye doctor. I have a very red left eye. The eye I call my shingles eye. The doc said I only had a broken blood vessel. Nothing I can do except wait for it to heal. Nancy fixed a great chicken stir fry for dinner. We read the GRP and watch NCIS before switching to netflix. We headed to bed at 2200.

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