Friday, December 12, 2014

Friday December 12, 2014

Friday December 12, 2014 I might be retired but sure glad today is Friday. I look forward to some time off over the holidays. My routine is getting boring. I need to refresh. We got up at 0745, Nancy heads to MVP and I pedal to Panera after my at-home routine. I only had 30 minutes to read because I can get in the pool at 0955. Although the temperature was slightly above 32 the west wind was brisk. Heading west to MVP I got very cold. Heading home will be better because the wind will be behind my back. When I walked into the pool every lane was filled. I was about to leave when a swimmer said she was done. Bummer I really did not want to swim. However, I did my 30 minutes. On my way home, with the wind at my back, I stopped at Starbucks to finish the WSJ. The drop in oil prices and congress’s efforts to extend the funding limits have pushed the Middle East off the front pages. I think the drop in oil prices is driving the stock market down but low gas prices are great for the average folks. I like that our elected leaders had the good sense to finally compromise and extend the debt ceiling. They should do this more often. Compromise in either congress or a marriage is the only way to make the system work. As soon as I got home I took Ms P on her walk. It was miserable walking west on 28th Street. I told Nancy after the walk that I was in for the day. Nancy had done some laundry so I put mine away. Took a short nap and then headed downstairs. I am trying to get youtube on the MacBook Air. Speaking of the MacBook I finally can use my large monitor. I also bought a wireless keyboard. It is like a docking station. Debbie helped me get the system to work. Missy send us a text outlining her plans for Christmas. She is scheduled to have a medical procedure on the 23rd. Nancy and I will be able to watch AJ and help out. Missy also sent me a package. It contained a tube of special hand cream for men. It came at a perfect time because the cold weather causes my hands to crack and dry out. Nancy is cooking a special meal in her crock pot. It smells good. Tonight will be a netflix evening.

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