Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Tuesday December 16, 2014

Tuesday December 16, 2014 Up at 0645, no swim for Nancy because she has a foot doctor appointment. I do the at-home routine and pedal to Panera. It was warm, mid 40s, but very foggy. I had to turn my bike light on. Speaking of fog, when I was about 4 I kept asking my Mother what that noise was that I heard on foggy days. My Mom explained a fog horn to me and said that it was located at the entrance of the Thunder Bay River into Lake Huron. Its purpose was to warn ships. Mom said next time the fog horn was working we would take a field trip down to the river so I could see it. On the big day we got dressed and headed to the River. I saw the horn and also the search light that was located on the same tower as the horn. After the visit we walked downtown to Pickett’s Pharmacy and Mom and I had a hot fudge sundae. A great way to end a field trip. Today I did my 30 minute swim. I stopped at Starbucks on the ride home to finish reading the WSJ. The decline of oil prices and the collapse of the Russian ruble dominated the news. Did some work in my office before taking a short nap. At 1800 Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Leo’s downtown. We met Hal and Karen Horlings for dinner. The food is always good at Leo’s. We had a fine time. Spent three hours eating and talking. I think Leo’s gave us regular instead of decaf coffee because Nancy and I had trouble sleeping.

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