Sunday, December 7, 2014

Sunday December 7, 2014

Sunday December 7, 2014 Today is swim day for Nancy and Bob. MVP opens at 0800 and we are first in the door. When I got to the pool all the lanes were full. Luckily Nancy had a lane so we shared the lane. I swam for 30 minutes. We stopped at Meijer’s to replenish our larder. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I had my eggs on a waffle with sugar free syrup, of course. Read the funnies and then took a nap. Ms P and I took our walk and then I took off on my own. Today I walked on golf cart lanes that are scattered throughout the condo complex. I often wonder why the golf course did not make it because it was in a nice setting. The weather was pleasant with temps in mid 30s and sun. We have not had any moisture, snow or rain, in a week. Tonight we are having chicken sandwiches and a salad. Will finish reading the GRP and then watch some network TV before turning in. Today is the 73rd anniversary of the Japanese attach on Pearl Harbor. This single event changed the USA forever. Every family was impacted. I was three years old. Within a year all my Uncles were in the military. My Dad worked for the Army in Chicago. Gas, sugar, cigarettes and other critical items were rationed.

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