Monday, July 1, 2013

Monday July 1, 2013

Well the first half of 2013 is over. Time is moving too fast. On the first day of a new quarter I do the following: Start using a new tooth brush, replace razor blades, put in a new contact lens. I sometimes do a quarterly financial study. Anyway welcome to the second half of 13. This morning I got up at 0655. I followed my normal Monday routine except today I ran outside for two miles. This is my longest run of the year. I had no pain so maybe I will continue to run outside. I stopped running outside after my face plant several years ago. Running inside on a 6 lap track was getting very boring. I like to run outside but I am cautious because I don't want to have another face plant. Every Monday I shave my head and face. Today with the new blade I had to be careful because the blade is so sharp. The new fusion blades last 3 months. When I started shaving with a blade they would last one shave. The improvement in shaving technology over the last 60 years has been amazing. Today was a great summer's day. The temperature this morning was in the low 70s. I spent about 90 minutes reading the WSJ this morning. It is interesting to read about problems folks who don't have group health plans are having getting insurance. Nancy and I have a great plan through the teachers but if we had an individual plan with our same carrier, Blue Cross, we would have problems using doctor's or hospitals that our out of network. (did I talk about this issue on a previous blog?) I hope Congress addresses some of these problems. I want to see immigration law passed this year. I think immigrants are good for the country. Most people don't want amnesty for illegals. I just want illegals to be able to get citizenship quickly and with as little pain as possible. How can we fault folks that just want to work and support their families. My Grandfathers Scott and Hughes came to the US because of opportunity. I think they just walked across the border. The mideast is such a mess with the problems in Egypt and Syria. The WSJ had an article about the tribal feuding in Afghanistan as we pull out. We spent trillions for what? I did take Ms P for her mile walk today. Another thing we do on the first day of the month is give Ms P her pills. I was very tired this afternoon so I took a quick nap. We had a light dinner. Nancy cut up a melon today and also made some rhubarb sauce. I had both the rhubarb and melon this evening. Not much on TV this evening but I might watch "Major Crimes" today at 2100. I really like my new MacBook Air but I get confused by the MailBoxes. I am going to schedule a meeting with the Apple Store to have them explain the Mailbox and several other issues. I hope everyone got their 30 in today?

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