Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wednesday July 31, 2013

Wednesday my easy day. Up at 0600 pedal to Bill's for oatmeal. Home by 0830. Lawn sprinkler man will perform a PM check some time between 0900 and noon. He arrived at 0930 and was done in about 30 minutes. Had several errands to run so got in C2 and first stop was credit union to get some cash. Next stop was Meijer's to get apples. Nancy is working at Gardens this afternoon. Tried to take a nap but phone kept ringing. Got up after 30 minutes. We have had off and on rain all day. I did take Ms P on her mile walk without getting wet. After our walk I took a bike ride around Reeds Lake. The Gardens was not busy today so Nancy got off early. Tonight I will finish Sunday's rice and beans. I downloaded the latest James Bond movie to the MacBook. It took five hours. That seems very long? Today is the last day of July. Summer is going too fast. I really don't like Back-to-School sales in mid July. We see groups of high school kids (cross country) running all over SE GR. Don't kids have summer jobs? Did you know that in 1955 Alpena High School only had one fall sport, football. Practice did not start until the week before Labor Day. Times have changed.

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