Friday, July 5, 2013

Friday July 5, 2013

We did not get home from the Bostwick Lake fireworks until 2300 last night. I did not turn in until 2345. The fireworks party at Tom Appel's was great. We got to talk to some old neighbors, Tom Appel and Tom and Kathy Carnegie. We also got an update from Jim Walters, a retired OHHS teacher. Jim told us that Rick Jensen has adjusted to prison life and thinks that he will spend the rest of his life in the UP prison. His one disappointment was that for budget reasons the prison no longer has a hockey team. It seem weird but the people most disappointed at the discontinuing of hockey were the guards. Hockey let the prisoners let off steam. Nancy had serious foot pain last night so she slept in this morning. I got up at 0700. I did my normal calisthenics and then got on the 5 speed and rode to Ada. I rode 19 miles in 1h43'. After the ride I stopped at the Kava House. I did read several articles on the problems in Egypt. The problems in Turkey, Egypt and Brazil apparently are caused by elected Presidents who think that a victory at the polls allows they to rule as a dictator. That is my take. Am I right? I got home at 1300 and after a quick lunch I headed to the MAC. For several weeks I have had a deep groin muscle pull. I thought that if I spent some time in the cold and hot pools it would help get any inflammation down. I don't think this worked. After the MAC I headed to Woodland Mall. I was going to buy a pair of walking shoes but could not find a style I liked. I did stop in the Apple Store but did not stay because the place was jammed. Nancy worked at the Hospital Gift Shop this afternoon. She said that business was slow. Tonight we are staying home. Tomorrow night we are having dinner with the Nameys. It has been a nice summer day. The temperature now, 1800, is 84. This is warmer than both LA and Cupertino. I keep Edinburgh on my iphone's weather app. The temperature hardly every gets to 70. Remember folks get outside and enjoy the summer. In 1938 my 83 year old GGF Sanborn spent the morning working in his garden and the afternoon working in the Ossineke Post Office.

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