Friday, July 26, 2013

Friday July 26, 2013

In keeping with my new schedule I got up at 0500. I turned on all my bike lights and pedaled to the MAC. I was in the pool by 0600. I swam 1,500 yards and I even broke 43'. After the swim I put on my work out clothes and did my calisthenics. I was at the Kava House before 1000. I did read the WSJ but I think it being summer I did not find anything I really liked. I will tell you I don't like reading about baby George, Anthony Weiner, or for that matter any politician. When I got home it was too early for lunch so I headed upstairs to write Thursday's blog. I had a quick lunch and when Nancy got home we all got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. Nancy needed to pick up a prescription. An annoying thing about Costco is that they close the pharmacy for lunch. We left and headed to Meijer's. Nancy purchased grapes and blueberries. We are going to an OHNA TGIF this evening and Nancy needed some lemon curd for her treat. No curd at Meijer's. We headed back to Costco and Nancy picked up her prescription. On our way home we stopped and D&W and picked up a jar of lemon curd. Since I had been up since 0500 I did take a nap. It is now 1615 and raining. We are leaving in 15 minutes for the TGIF. A cold front is suppose to move through this evening. Stay tuned.

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