Friday, July 19, 2013

Friday July 19, 2013

Today the weather folks predict rain. The rain will bring us cooler weather. We had a thunder shower come through about 1400 but it did not provide any heat relief. This morning I did all my calisthenics at home. I have either a groin muscle pull or a hernia so I did not do any rowing or running today. I will see the doctor on Tuesday. I got the single speed out and pedaled to Starbucks in Gas Light. I read the WSJ. The articles about Detroit I find interesting. I just hope the bankruptcy does not impact the bond rating of GR or other Mi cities that have kept their financial house in order. I also don't think Detroit should be bailed out. It is a Detroit problem and they should pay for their mismanagement. At 1100 I got on the single speed and headed to the MAC. I needed some aerobics so I swam 1,000 yards. Kim, cleaning lady, came this morning and she was finishing up at 1330. I took a short nap and then caught up on some mail. Tonight Nancy and I had dinner at Houligan's. This food was good but overpriced. Houligan's was not very crowded. I did watch the evening news. About 1930 I thought it was about time that Ms P got out of the house. It was still 90 but the humidity had gone down. We just walked around the block. Not much on TV so we will head upstairs early. I am reading a good book about an archer in the English army around 1300. Maybe I can finish this weekend. Have a good weekend!

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