Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tuesday July 30, 2013

If it is acceptable to ignore all English rules when using twitter then it should be ok to use the same rules when writing this blog. Sorry GGF Sanborn! up at 0700 and head to the MAC for calisthenics and swim. No run or rowing. had my coffee at Starbucks in Gas Light Village. no outside table so had to sit inside with A/C going full blast. I complained but told no change. WSJ articles on Afganistan and Iraq reinforced my opinion that we wasted billions and they will always dislike the USA. Saudis finally admit that US fracking operations will impact their economy. If you want to understand Detroit's problems read the letter to editor in today's WSJ. Quick lunch and took Ms P on mile walk. The MAC might close in January. Closest option is MVP on East Paris and Burton. Rode my bike to MVP, 4.5 miles and took a different route home, 4.5 miles also. Heavily traveled roads so I will take the sidewalk on Burton. MVP is 2 mi further than MAC. Will read paper edition of GRP and watch some TV tonight. Nancy it fixing me a crab meat salad with french bread for dinner tonight. Sounds good. Joined LinkedIn yesterday. Have several Navy friends you have a LinkedIn page.

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