Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wednesday July 10, 2013

Today I had breakfast club. I was up at 0555 and out the door at 0630. We had a great breakfast this morning. Scrambled eggs, biscuits and gravy, donuts and a yogurt parfait. We had a good turnout. The Speaker talked today about the "Senior Neighbors" program. After BC I stopped at Kava House and read the WSJ. I cannot figure out the middle east and I don't think anyone in DC can either. I read that the President is so fed up with the leader in Afghanistan that he might pull our troops out early. I really hope he follows through. Today is grass cutting day. I started about 1130 and was finished at 1430. After the yard work I took Ms P on her daily mile walk. After a shower I took a short nap. Nancy worked at the gardens this afternoon. At 1730 I got in the C2 and headed to Vitales. I met Ed Namey and Tom Moleski for pizza. Nancy had book club. This afternoon a cold front came through. We turned the AC off. Last night I finished the book on Catherine the Great. I started a historical novel based in England in the 1300s. It is now 2030 and Nancy just walked in. We will watch some TV and then head upstairs. Enjoy your summer.

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