Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tuesday July 2, 2013

We had a light rain last night. I was up for good at 0710 today. The pavements were wet and with more rain expected I rode my 5 speed urban bike today. It has better handling on wet pavement. I did not encounter any rain on my ride to the MAC. But I ran outside today and it started to rain hard half way through my 2 mile run. They are cleaning to pool at the MAC so no swimming. I also got wet on my ride to the Kava House. Today I wanted to cut the grass but it looked like the rain would squash my efforts. Instead of eating lunch at home today we all got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. All we needed were eggs but what else is there to do on a rainy day. Costco had a lot of free samples today. I think it is for all the holiday shoppers. Did you know that Costco is closed on the 4th? I think it is great for a big box store to let their employees have a holiday off. Way to go Costco. I purchased a hot dog. Nancy got the pepsi and I cut the ends of the dog for Ms P. Gas was $3.25 today. Tonight Nancy is fixing me a pork chop with stuffing. I will also have corn on the cob, melon and rhubarb sauce. Am I lucky or what! After dinner I will take Ms P on our mile walk if it is not raining. We get a paper GRP today so I will spent some time reading the paper and watching the news. Just two days to the 4th. When I was a boy we would spent the 4th at a big family picnic at my Grandparent Scott's Hubbard Lake farm. The farm was located on Scott Road, named for my GGF Scott, in Sanborn Twp, named for my GGF Sanborn. We had fried chicken and all sorts of fruits and vegetables from the garden. My Dad and Uncles would make ice cream. The men would play horse shoes and then my grandfather would get out his shot gun out and we would shoot clay pigeons. When I was about 10 or 11 they let me take some shots. My Grandfather liked to play croquet. He set up the wickets in the front lawn and we would all play. I think we had over 30 family members at the picnic. Good memories!

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