Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tuesday July 16, 2013

Another 90 degree day is upon us. Our AC keeps chugging along. I am surprised hearing folks at the MAC saying they will not go outside. I say embrace the weather. I rode the single speed to the MAC. I really like the single speed for riding around town because it is so simple. Just get on and pedal. No thinking required. I am surprised at the number of young folks that think my bike is cool. GR has a lot of single speed riders. Everyone must be on vacation because traffic was very light this morning. I had to share a lane for most of my swim this morning. My swim times have slowly been getting faster. The 1,000 yard time today was 28'30". This is a slow time for hard core swimmers but it is good for me. The Kava House was not very crowded today. I sat outside and read the WSJ. Most folks stayed in the AC section. Most public places keep their AC set too low. I had a quick lunch and then took a short nap. Tonight Nancy and I are heading to the Gardens to work a concert. I probably will be taking tickets. It will be interesting to see if the heat keeps folks away. On a hot summer night I would want to sit outside and listen to the music. Stay tuned. I was glad to see that my sister had the bad wound on her leg checked out. She facebooked (is this a word) a picture and it looked bad. About four friends told her to get it checked out. Speaking of wounds Nancy today scheduled her first physical therapy session for her foot and ankle rehab. I got my 30' in today did you?

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