Monday, July 15, 2013

Monday July 15, 2013

Yesterday we hit 90 degrees for the first time. The weather folks say the 90 degree temperatures will remain through Thursday. Today it hit 94. I worked up a big sweat on my pedal to the MAC this morning. The hot weather did not stop me from running outside. I ran about 2.2 miles. It did take awhile to cool off. I ended up at the Kava House. I sat outside and read the WSJ. I got home at 1300. Nancy had a 1330 appointment with the Doctor who performed her foot surgery. She said that Nancy no longer has to wear the boot. She is scheduled to start physical therapy next week. Nancy was given a prescription to bring down the swelling in her foot. We drove to Costco to pick it up. We did not take Ms P because of the heat. In addition to Nancy's prescription we bought peanut butter, trail mix, eye drops, kleenex and granola. I dropped Nancy at home and then got in the C2 and ran some errands. I stopped at Macatawa Bank to cash a check. Found out that the new manager is a graduate of Alpena High. We talked a bit about the home town. I also stopped at D&W to buy some Bud. D&W sells 16 oz bottles of Bud for $1 a bottle. Actually it is an aluminum bottle. I think this is a great price. We are having a light dinner. We have the AC on and I don't think I will leave the house. Summer rocks!

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