Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday July 8, 2013

We had the AC on last night. It was 76 when Ms P and I went out at 0500. I got up at 0655 and the weather man said it would be raining by 1100. I did the at home stuff and then pedaled to the MAC. Today I ran 2 miles outside. It was very hot and humid. I raced the rain on my way to the Kava House. It started to rain when I was about 500 feet from my destination. The plane crash at SFO was really serious. I was surprised at how many folks survived. I read the story about the runaway train crash and fire in Canada. Apparently the crew stopped for coffee and they did not put the brakes on. Is this a tragic mistake or a criminal act? I got home about 1300. Our next door neighbor's daughter is home from the Peace Corps. She was in Panama and brought home a dog. The dog is having some adjustment problems. It got away and the whole family was out searching for it. Thank God Ms P does not run away. Nancy had a crown comes off her tooth so she had to go to the dentist this afternoon. I took a short nap and then played with my Air. Tonight Nancy and I are going to Meijer's Garden for a tour of the new Japanese Garden. The Japanese Garden is under construction. Stay tuned. 2135: The tour of the partially complete Japanese Garden was very interesting. It will be a great addition to the Gardens. It is scheduled to open in 2015. I had a light dinner and then watched some TV. We still have the AC on.

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