Saturday, July 27, 2013

Saturday july 27, 2013

Nancy got up at 0730 and headed to the MAC for water aerobics. I slept in until 0800 and then got on the bike and pedaled to Bill's. I had their oatmeal for breakfast. After breakfast I pedaled to Rylee's to buy some wire for my weed eater. I have been having problems with my bike lock and as much as I tried I could not get it open. I spent at least 30 minutes trying. Luckily, Rylee's had a bolt cutter and they cut the lock for me. I resumed my morning activities by pedaling around Reeds Lake. As soon as I got home I got out the lawn mower and started cutting. I was done by 1500. After a shower I took a 20' nap. Nancy and I left at 1600 to attend a 1st Anniversary party for Becky (Verker) and Ken Hershberger. It was at their home. They had a dixie land band. The music and food were good. Nancy and I stayed 1.5 hours. The party was held outdoors and it was cold. The weather folks say this is the coldest last weekend in July in years. Who keeps these records? This morning's WSJ had several scathing articles on the past management of the City of Detroit, especially during Coleman Young's time as mayor. The bankruptcy is going to get very nasty before it is resolved. I lived in Detroit in early 1961. It was a great place to live. Enough said!

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