Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saturday July 13, 2013

We had another beautiful summer day. For breakfast I pedaled to Bill's for oatmeal. After Bill's I headed straight home and loaded up the kayak and headed to the Grand River. I put in at Ada. I paddled under the M21 bridge to the outlet of the Thornapple River. I paddled up the Thornapple to the Ada Dam. I turned around and headed to the Grand. The trip took 50 minutes. I wanted more time on the water so I paddled up the Grand for about 50 minutes before turning around. The total trip was about 4.75 miles. I know because I wore my GPS. Total time on the water 2h10'. When I got home I took Ms P on her mile walk. After a quick shower I wanted to take a short nap but could not fall asleep, a first for me. We are staying home tonight. Nancy is grilling steak for dinner. The only downside to this great weather is that the grass is turning brown. I reset the sprinkler to every two days.

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