Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sunday July 7, 2013

Weekend Update: Saturday 0730 I am ready to tell Nancy I am off to Bill's when she reminds me that today is dumpster day. The OHNA hires a trash hauler to provide dumpsters and neighbors can throw away all their bulky items. The event starts at 0800 and ends at noon. I decide to load up the C2. We cleaned up both the garage and basement. I made two loads. The car was dirty so I headed to the car wash. After the car wash I headed to the Omelette Shop. I had their oatmeal with all the fixings. When I got home I told Nancy that the trash hauler had a special trailer for electronics and books. We headed downstairs and loaded up about 50 books. It is amazing how much we have thrown away since Dumpster Day started about seven years ago. We are having the Namey's over after dinner tonight so I spent some time cleaning the patio. It was such a nice day that I loaded up the kayak and headed to Reeds Lake. I paddled around the lake a distance of 3.3 miles. It takes a little over an hour. Three new houses are being built on the lake. I am sure they cost at least $2M. At 1715 we got in the Taurus and headed to the Watermark Grill. Watermark is located on a golf course. We sat outside and had a nice meal. Nancy had a sandwich but the rest of us had the walleye. After dinner we gathered at our house for coffee, cheesecake and conversation. It was a great evening. Sunday July 7, we got up at 0655 and got ready for our Sunday swim. The pool has been closed for the past week for cleaning. We expected cold water because the heater has only been on a couple of hours. Actually it was quite pleasant. We both swam for 45'. We ended up at Meijer's for our weekly supply of groceries. Gas today was $3.45. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. We watched some of the Wimbledon finals. I took my Sunday nap and then Ms P and I went on our mile walk. It has been hot and humid the past several days. We might have to turn the AC on. Nancy is grilling burgers for dinner. We will read the GRP and watch some TV before heading upstairs. One of the amazing pieces of technology is the iPhone. As I type this blog I am listening to Merle Haggard on the phone. Occasionally I need to use the dictionary on the phone. I look up the word and the music keeps playing. I also check my calendar and emails.

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