Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Tuesday July 9, 2013

I really shouldn't wait a day to do a blog. My memory is getting real weak. The weatherman said that it would be hot, mid 80s, and humid Tuesday with a chance of rain. It was hot and humid but we had no rain in the morning. Yesterday was my swim day. Normally the pool only has 1 other swimmer when I do my laps. Today every lane had two swimmers. I had to wait about 10 minutes before I could get in. Despite sharing a lane I had a good time for my 1,000 yards. It was very humid on my ride to the Kava House and I was drenched in sweat when I arrived. I sat outside and read the WSJ. It was threatening rain so I postponed cutting the lawn until Wednesday. At 1630 Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Meijer's Garden. Tonight we are working at the concert. Every Tuesday in the summer the Gardens has a concert featuring local talent. I took my raincoat. My job was to take tickets and Nancy was inside selling tickets. About 45 minutes before the concert it started to rain. I put on the rain coat and looked forward to a miserable evening. I could hear thunder in the background. It rained for about 15 minutes and then it cleared up. The concert started at 1900 and I was done work at 1930. I bought a beer, Fat Tire, set up the folding chairs and Nancy and I had a picnic and watched the concert. There were two acts and both were good. We got home about 2100. Overall not a bad summer's day.

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