Thursday, July 4, 2013

Thursday July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July. Nancy and I got up at 0730 and at 0820 headed over to Iroquois to watch the 89th Hollyhock Parade. All our neighbors were in attendance and I thought today's crowd was large. We did attend the ceremony in the alley. Simon Vance served as the Master of Ceremony and did a great job. The speaker today was a local attorney who has been in several local theater productions, Jon March. His daughter was in Missy's class at OHHS. He gave a good and appropriate performance. When the ceremony was over we walked to the Brandywine for breakfast. The place was jammed so we had to wait. After breakfast we walked home. I did take a nap this afternoon. Ms P and I then took a mile walk. I also walked to the PO to mail a bill. Tonight Nancy and I are going to Tom Appel's cottage on Bostwick Lake to watch the fire works. Yesterday I talked about the Battle of Gettysburg ending on 03 July 1863. Did you know that the battle for Vicksburg, MS was won on July 4, 1863? These two victories turned the tide. Another July 4 fact. Both John Adams and Tom Jefferson died on July 4, 1826, 50 years after the signing. On this date in 1962 Ensign R H Scott's Public Works Division won the 4th of July float contest on Midway Island.

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