Sunday, June 30, 2013

Sunday June 30, 2013

The alarm goes off at 0645 and we all get up and get ready for the MAC. Today will be our last swim until next Sunday. The pool will be closed for it's annual cleaning. I swam 1,500 yards. For the first time I was uncomfortable with the pool's temperature. It was 85 degrees. Much too hot! After the swim we head to Meijer's for our weekly supplies. Gas today was $3.35 compared to over $4 last week. We like this time of year because of all the fresh fruit. We stocked up on melons, grapes and berries. Unlike last year Mi is having a bumper fruit crop. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I took my afternoon nap. After the nap I walked to the PO to mail a package. I used my pedometer on my phone and it said I walked 1.82 miles. I then took Ms P on our mile walk. The pedometer said my total mileage was 3 miles. For dinner tonight Nancy is going to grill some burgers. Burgers, corn on the cob and melon what a meal. We will read the GRP and watch 60 Minutes before turning in. We have been lucky this year because we have only used our AC once. 75 years ago no one had AC. On warm summer evenings we would sit outside on our big porch. In fact we did not have a water heater. Mother would put several tea kettles on the stove and heat the water and mix it with tap water. As a boy I took a bath only on Saturdays. We did not have a shower. The first shower I took was in the fourth grade at McPhee School after gym class. Today on week days I take a minimum of two showers. 75 years ago today in Ossineke, MI. GGF Sanborn spent 2 hours in the garden. Rain stopped his work. He had dinner at the church. GGF picked up several church ladies and drove then to dinner. Proceeds from the dinner were $8.00.

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