Saturday, June 15, 2013

Saturday June 15, 2013

The heck with routine it's summer. This morning Nancy and I decided to go out for breakfast. We ate at Cheri Inn. We arrived at 0800 and had no trouble getting a table. Twenty minutes later you had to wait to get a table. I had poached eggs with corn beef hash and Nancy had blueberry pancakes. After breakfast we stopped at Martha's Vineyard on Union. MV is a great store. It is a wine shop and deli/bakery. We wanted to see if they had a Michigan Wine we had on Mackinaw Island. They did not but I did purchase a Michigan wine. We stopped home to get Ms P and then we headed to Walmart to get some mints. Nancy also bought some summer clothes. I got some lotion. We had light sprinkles all morning but I decided it was not raining hard enough to stop me from going on a bike ride. I loaded up the road bike and headed to Millennium Park. It stopped raining as soon as I got on the bike. The bike trail was crowded. I had a young deer cross my path and almost ran over a turtle. I pedaled 21 miles in 1H45'. It has been awhile since I have used the single speed but I made it up the two steep inclines with no problems. On my way home I stopped at Grand Rapids Bike shop to see if they had any Brooks bike saddles. They did, so on Monday I will buy one and put it on the road bike. Brooks are the best bike saddles. When I got home I took Ms P on her one mile walk. Nancy is grilling burgers for dinner. We are spending a quiet night at home.

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