Friday, June 28, 2013

Thursday June 27, 2013

I am writing this blog on Friday. I must remember to do my blog on the day I want to record. I cannot remember overnight what I did yesterday. So it goes with Thursday. I did sleep in until 0730. I did the at home routine and then headed to the MAC. Thursday is my tri day so I ran a mile and swam 1,000 yards. When I got to the MAC it was empty. The reason was that everyone was swimming. All four lanes had two swimmers. Swimming is suppose to be the best exercise for older folks. It is easy on the joints, etc., etc. How come all the hard core swimmers are overweight? I don't see overweight hard core runners. Thursday was a hot humid day with temps in the 80s. Did you know that we have not had a 90 degree day this year. Last year at this time we had 14. I ended up at the Kava House. I sat outside to read the WSJ and drink coffee. I got home about 1300. After a quick lunch I checked the email, read the GRP and took Ms P on her mile walk. At 1645 Nancy and I headed to Meijer's Garden. We are working tonights concert featuring Brandi Carlile. The concerts was sold out. Nancy ran the chair concession and I swiped tickets. We were done at 1930. Nancy fixed a picnic lunch so we sat in the back row and had our picnic and listened to the concert. It was a perfect evening for an outdoor concert. We got home about 2145. The house was hot but the weather folks said a cold front was moving through. Based on this info we did not turn on the AC. Bad idea.

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