Monday, June 10, 2013

Monday June 10, 2013

It rained hard last night but at 0600 it had stopped. It restarted about 0900 and was raining hard when I got ready to go to the MAC. I decided to take the C2. Just as I was ready to go it stopped so I took the bike. Lately I have been taking Breton Road because it is faster than my other routes. Usually the traffic at 0900 is heavy because of the two schools located on Breton. School is out so traffic was very light. On Mondays I shave my head. It takes about 5 minutes. I ended up at Kava House for my coffee. The WSJ has been talking about the reemergence of credit default swaps and derivatives. I know that these are risky investments but I still don't know how they work. Are you worried about the Feds monitoring your phones and computer? I have mixed emotions. I had a quick lunch and then took Ms P on her 1.12 mile walk. I then got in the C2 and headed to Berger Chevy to get my oil changed. I looked around the lot to see the new HHR and small pickup. The salesman told me Chevy no longer makes the HHR or a small pickup. After the oil change I stopped at the Chow Hound to get some new dry dog food. I spent the rest of the afternoon trying to get Google Earth on the Air. No luck. We had a light dinner and watched the news. We are now watching Major Crimes on TNT. I hope to be in bed by 2130.

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