Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wednesday June 5, 2013

I got up with the alarm at 0630. Today is my easy day, exercise wise, but I have a busy agenda. I pedaled to Bill's for my oatmeal breakfast. I did read most of the WSJ. I gave up my Kindle subscription to the DFP because I can much more just by looking at their free web site. Currently I want to read about Turkey and Syria. Most TV news does not cover this story. I also like to follow stories about business and the economy. I was surprised to see a front page story about GR in the WSJ. A local group wants to create a white water kayak run in downtown GR. They want to remove the 6th Street dam and do some other river work. It will cost $27 million. I don't like the idea. We should spend our money on recreational projects that impact more folks. Not many white water kayakers in GR. After breakfast I head home and got ready for a 1030 Grand Rapids Building Authority meeting. Today we finished our last project and we have no projects in the hopper. After the meeting I checked my mail and then drove Nancy to Meijer Gardens. She has to work this afternoon. Nancy says she feels ready to start driving tomorrow. I got the mower out and got ready to cut the grass. But before I cut the grass I had a 1400 appointment at the skin doctor. She put liquid nitrogen on the spot on my nose. I stopped at Harmony Brewing to get my growler filled. It looked like rain when I started mowing so I had to hustle. Ms P also wanted to play ball. I managed to do both and get the grass cut just before the rain. It was raining when Ms P and I got in the Taurus to pick up Nancy. When we got home I took a shower and a 30 minute nap. We had a light dinner and then watched the news. It is now 1942 and as soon as I finish this blog I am heading downstairs. Lately, Nancy has been heading to bed early so I have been watching movies on the Military Channel and Encore's Western channel. I get hooked on the movies and don't get to bed until 2300. I hope everyone is taking advantage of these long days and spending time outside.

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