Friday, June 14, 2013

Friday June 14, 2013

Another nice day in GR. Sun and warm temperatures were the norm. I took Ms P out at 0600 and then slept through my alarm until 0800. Today I am starting my Monday and Friday summer routine. I will do my normal calisthenics at home and then go on a long bike ride or kayak trip. Today I got on the bike and pedaled to Ada. The trip covered 20 miles. I did stop at the Kava House on my way home to get coffee and read the WSJ. It took me 90 minutes to read the WSJ. I have to think about making some changes to my reading habits. Kim, our cleaning lady, was still working when I got home. She washed all the windows. I took Ms P on our mile walk and then had a quick lunch. We have a new downtown farmer's market. It is suppose to be like Cleveland's West Side Market. The market partially opened last week. We drove to the market but they have not completed construction so all the streets were closed. We decided to wait another month before visiting. We have been talking about buying new chairs for our back room. We found the chairs that we like but had trouble deciding color and leather or cloth. So today on our third visit we purchased two leather chairs. The color is a dark burgundy (I think). The chairs rock, swivel and recline. We had dinner tonight at the Olive Garden. I forgot how good the food was. We are now just relaxing at home. The pills Nancy is taking for nerve pain knock her out so she will head upstairs early. It is now almost 2000 and the sun is shining bright. I love this time of year.

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