Saturday, June 29, 2013

Saturday June 29, 2013

The weather folks said rain but it did not look like rain at 0800. Nancy headed to the MAC for water aerobics and I pedaled to Bill's for my oatmeal breakfast. After breakfast I stopped at Rylee's to buy a small crescent wrench. I need this wrench in order to change a bike tire. Next I stopped at the Rental Shop on Fulton to see if they had tool that I could use to trim some branches that are about 12 feet over my head. They had such a tool. I need this tool to trim the branches that are getting close to the electric, phone and cable lines in our back yard. This will be my project for next week. The OHNA is having their annual garden tour so I pedaled around to see how many folks were attending. It looked like the attendance was good. The lawn and gardens in the OHN look great because of all the rain. The weather folks still said it was going to rain so I canceled my kayak trip and instead rode the bike around Reeds Lake, twice. I just pulled into the driveway when the rain started. I am looking for a pair of comfortable summer shoes. I got in the C2 and drove to Rockford to the WWW store. I was disappointed in their selection. I drove down 10 mile road on my way home. It has been several years since I have been on 10 mile between Rockford and 131. I could not get over all the development. They are even building a massive recreation area on Kent County land near the old 10 mile road landfill. When we tried to get permission to built the landfill in the early 1970s the opponents all said that the landfill would create a massive dead zone. They were wrong, really wrong. The place has developed so much that 3 traffic signals have been installed on Ten Mile. Tonight Nancy and I are going to Brick Oven Pizza on Wealthy Street. We have never been to this restaurant. In fact there are about 10 restaurants in the Wealthy St/Cherry area that we have never eaten at. Wealthy St between Madison and EGR has seen a lot of improvements in the last 10 years.

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