Thursday, June 13, 2013

Thursday June 13, 2013

Boy did it rain hard last night. Ms P went bonkers. Yesterday at her doctor's appointment Nancy said that she was getting some nerve pain in her foot and it made sleep difficult. The Doctor gave her a prescription and it works. Nancy had the best sleep in weeks. She did not even know that it rained. Today the weather is prefect. Sunny skies with temperature in the low 70s. I rode my road bike to the MAC. After the MAC I dropped the bike off at Grand Rapids Bike in Gas Light Village. They put on a new straight handle bar and mirror. I didn't like the drop handle bars. While they were replacing the bars I walked over to the Starbucks on Wealthy. This Starbucks is really pleasant now that EGR HS is off for the summer. I did pick up one piece of information from the WSJ. Last year for the first time ever in the US more white folks died than were born. I hope the USA stays out of Syria. This is a first class can of worms. The Law of Unintended Consequences" will surely raise its ugly head. After a quick lunch I reviewed some calculations. I also went through my mail. I got a letter from my health insurance company (Medicare Plus Blue Group PPO) they are not paying as much as I thought for my recent skin cancer surgery. In two weeks Nancy and I are attending an all day conference with Blue Cross. They are going to explain the Affordable Care Act. My big question is why does it take all day? Ms P and I just finished our mile walk. Did you know that my eyes are getting so bad that I have to sit outside in the bright sunlight to cut my toenails? While outside I finally figured out how to make Nancy's built in opener work with our new opener. Tonight we are going to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. After dinner we will stop by Breton Village Mall to get some supplies. I am reading a good book on Catherine the Great, the Russian Czar. The Czars did not treat their folks, especially the serfs, very well. You read these books and it just highlights how great the USA is.

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