Monday, June 17, 2013

Monday June 17, 2013

Sunday morning and I am up at 0655 and ready to go for my swim. Nancy's foot still has not healed enough to let her swim. I thought I was tearing up the pool but my 1,500 time was 45" less than my average time. After the swim I stopped at home to pick up Nancy and Ms P. We headed to Meijer's for supplies. For the first time in several weeks the cost of gas was below $4. It was $3.94. Nancy had a blueberry pancake left over from yesterday so I had it with two fried eggs. I took my afternoon nap and then we got in the Taurus and headed to Saugatuck. The place was really crowded. I am alway surprised at the number of out-of-state cars. Saugatuck must be popular destination for folks in IN and IL. We spent about an hour walking around downtown. Nancy's mobility is limited because she wore her boot. The weather was great. We had bacon lettuce and tomato sandwiches for dinner. Watched a little TV before going upstairs. Yesterday was Father's Day and I got a call from all the kids. It is alway good to hear from them. Monday June 17: I performed all my calisthenics at home. It was such a nice day that I loaded up my road bike on the C2 and headed to the Musketawa Trail. I pedaled from Marne to Ravenna. I did 24 miles in two hours. I have an old saddle on the bike so on my way home I stopped at GR Bike in Gaslight Village. I bought a Brooks saddle. While they were putting the saddle on I walked to Starbucks and read the WSJ. The WSJ had an article on the programs proposed by the new Emergency Financial Manager for Detroit. He is playing hardball. The workers will take a big hit on their pensions and health care. The bond holders of Detroit bonds will be asked to settle for pennies on the dollar. It is really grim but necessary. I got home about 1400 and drove Nancy to a Vendor's store so Nancy could pick up an order. When we got home I got on the road bike and pedaled to GR bike to buy a speedometer. We had a light dinner and then watched some TV. It is now 2030 and I am going to take Ms P around the block.

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