Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sunday June 9, 2013

Weekend update. Friday morning and it already looks like a great day. Nancy has trouble backing the car out of the west side of the garage so I backed it out for her. Our west side garage door opener still has not been repaired. I did the MAC thing and then pedaled to the Kava House for coffee and to find out what is going on in the world. I did not get home until 1330. Why do I read so slow? After a quick lunch I headed upstairs to catch up on my email and to clean the office. I did take time out to take Ms P on a walk. I also pedaled to the PO to mail my passport in for renewal. At 1700 we got into the Taurus and headed to Brann's. We attended Becky Verker's 70th birthday party. It was a surprise party and she indeed was surprised. We had dinner with the Mastins. It was a nice affair. Saturday: I slept in until about 0730. I had breakfast at Bill's. I had oatmeal with all the trimmings, toast, coffee and tomato juice. It cost $5.90. How that for a bargain? After breakfast I pedaled around Reeds Lake. The trail around the lake is always crowded on weekends. I am a big fan of linear parks. I spent some time getting setup for summer. I turned the outside water on and brought out the picnic table and patio chairs. I loaded up the kayak and headed to Reeds Lake. I paddled around the lake. It took about 80 minutes. This was my first kayak outing of the year. At 1730 we got in the Taurus and headed to the Moleski's for dinner. Tom grilled chicken and vegetable kabobs. It was such a nice evening we sat on their deck and had our meal. The mosquitos got pretty intense about 2000 so we headed inside. We got home about 2130. It was a nice summer's day. Sunday: The alarm went off at 0645 and I got up and headed to the MAC for my Sunday swim. Nancy's recent foot surgery prevents her from swimming. After the swim I picked Nancy up and we headed to the Meijer's on the East Beltline. I filled the Taurus up and gas was $4.25 a gallon. I headed to park the car when I saw Nancy standing outside. The store had to close because of a power outage. We then headed to the Cascade Meijer's. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I took a short nap and then we headed to Blodgett's gift shop so Nancy could exchange a gift. The store was closed. I had trouble opening the garage door so I drove to the battery shop to get a new battery for the opener. It worked. It is now 1705 and I am going on a short walk before dinner. Nancy is fixing burger's. We will read the GRP and watch 60' before heading upstairs.

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