Thursday, June 6, 2013

Thursday June 6, 2013

Today is the 69th anniversary of the D-day landing. I only saw one small article in the WSJ about the event. The youngest participant alive today is probably 88 years old. I have known several men who were part of the landing party. We got up at 0630. Nancy still has to sleep with the boot on. It is not very comfortable. It has rained most of the day. I wore my rain coat for my ride to the MAC. The temperature lately has been about 10 degrees below normal. So I have to wear layers on the upper body. It is June so I refuse to wear long pants when I ride the bike. Today I did my tri and my time in the row, run and swim were about average. I stopped at the Starbucks in D&W to get my morning coffee. The IRS, National Security Agency and Justice Dept still dominate the news. I still don't understand the mechanics of the stock market. The reason for yesterday's drop was very hard to understand. As soon as I got home we got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. I got my passport picture taken. We also bought peanut butter, sandwich rolls, eggs and wine. I ran into an old fraternity at Costco. We had a nice talk. I ended our stay with a hot dog. I was going to take Ms P for a walk but she refuses to walk in the rain. Tonight we are going to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. We got a paper copy of the GRP so we will watch the news and read the GRP before heading upstairs.

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