Saturday, June 22, 2013

Saturday June 22, 2013

I went out at 0650 and you could cut the air with a knife. I thought we would have a rainy day. Since I will miss Sunday's and Tuesday's swim, I got on the single speed and headed to the MAC. A Saturday swim was not an original idea. The pool was crowded. Two folks in each lane. I swam 1,000 yards. After the swim I stopped at the Omelette Shop for breakfast. I had oatmeal and read the WSJ. On the way home I pedaled around Reeds Lake. The trail as always was very crowded. To round out the morning Ms P and I took our mile walk. The sun came out at noon and it has remained hot and humid all day. The Eastown Business Community had their annual Bizarre Bazaar today. They closed off a section of Wealthy Street and many Vendors set up their tents. It was interesting but we did not buy anything. For dinner tonight we went to Rose's on Reeds Lake. We sat outside and watched all the boats on the lake. The place was crowded. It is now 1930 and the temperature is in the mid 80s. We might have to turn on the AC for the first time. June 22, 1938, 75 years ago. On this day in Ossineke, Mi Ggf Sanborn spent the morning in the garden picking bugs and cultivating. In the afternoon Ggm Sanborn set out the tomatoes. In the evening they took a drive to the Hartmanns. Life was not complicated in 1938.

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