Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday June 24, 2013

Weekend update: On Sunday we got up at 0730 and headed to the Detroit area. We were heading to the Embassy Suites in Livonia. Hospital Gift Shop suppliers are having a show. Nancy is attending on behalf of the Blodgett Gift Shop. Sunday was very hot and humid so about every 20 minutes I would go out and turn on the AC to cool the car. Don't want Ms P to get overheated. Nancy spent about 90 minutes looking around. She bought several items for the shop. After the show we headed to Trader Joe's. We purchased some 2 buck, ginger snap cookies, soup and trail mix. Our final stop for our Sunday was the Discount Mall just west of Howell. I purchased a pair of running shorts and some khaki shorts at J Crew. We got home about 1700. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for supper. We watched 60 Minutes and read the GRP before heading upstairs. The AC has been on for 24 hours. Monday June 24: I slept in until 0715. After the typical Monday at-home routine I got on the single speed and headed to the MAC. Today for the first time in two (maybe 3) years I ran outside. The last time I ran outside I took a face plant. I had to have stitches in my nose and I banged up my shoulder. It took about 8 months to get back full use of my shoulder. I ended up at the Kava House for my coffee. The day is sunny and very warm. After lunch Nancy reminded me that the Taurus needed an oil change. I am writing this blog in the Ford Dealership. They have free WiFi and I see two folks working on their laptops. As a project I am compiling a list of things that have changed or were not in existence in 1938. Of course the lap top computer I am using to write the blog was not available in 38 nor was the dictionary on my iPhone. In 1938 the US only had 48 states. No ball point pens or TV. Automatic transmissions and turn signals did not happen until the late 40s. God was not mentioned in the Pledge. Stay tuned.

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