Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Tuesday June 25, 2013

We had heavy thunder storms roll through last night. Needless to say Ms P went bonkers. Today Nancy attended a Blue Cross seminar on our health plan. Before going I did my at home calisthenics at 50%. The event started at 0830 and we arrived on time and took part in their continental breakfast. The main speaker gave us a power point presentation and it was boring. However, the question and answer period was very useful. The new Federal Health law will not have much impact on our plan. The plan that Nancy and I have is with the school teachers. Folks who have Blue Cross individual plans do not have anywhere near the benefits that we have. We can use any doctor who accepts medicare which means almost 100%. Individual BC plans do not allow members to use a doctor who is not in their system. In GR we have a major problem with Spectrum Health which includes Butterworth and Blodgett Hospitals trying to force out St Mary's and Metro. Spectrum has their own health insurance. It is nasty. Nancy and I took part in the health testing that was offered. We had our blood sugar tested, a bone scan, skin check and lung capacity test. We were normal. BC provided us lunch. We left about 1300 in pouring rain. I took a short nap and then started cutting the grass. It took over three hours to get the lawn in shape. Nancy fixed me some tacos for dinner. We read the GRP and watched some TV before heading upstairs. We turned the AC off after the rain had lowered the temp about 10 degrees.

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