Saturday, January 30, 2010

Saturday January 30, 2010

1820: It was a busy Saturday in LB. I got up and headed for Starbucks. I got a large coffee and started reading the LAT. About half way through Steve called and said we were going to the LA Zoo. It was going to be a beautiful sunny day.

Steve picked me up with the Saturn and then we loaded the car and headed to the Hof House. The Hof House is a breakfast restaurant in Long Beach. We all had a big breakfast. With our full stomachs it was time to head for the zoo. The LA Zoo was crowded. Steve bought an annual membership and Nancy and I used our GR Zoo cards to get in half price.

It was the first time I have visited the LA Zoo. It is a big zoo and today it was very crowded. We spent about 3 hours walking around the zoo. When we got back home Lucas and I took a nap.

Tonight is another date night for Steve and Veronica. Nancy and I had turkey sandwiches and Lucas has fried chicken on a stick. I also had a glass of wine.

Steve had the DVD all set up so we watched several movies. Right now we are watching Super Friends. Nancy is putting Lucas’s pajamas on. Alessandra is already in bed. It is 2007 and grandpa is getting tired. Chasing grandkids all day can be tiring. I got my 30 in today did you?

Friday January 29, 2010

1753 Saturday: I should never be late writing a daily blog. I am trying to remember what we did yesterday.

We got up at our normal time for Long Beach. Today we are spending with Lucas. As soon as Veronica and Steve leave for work I take Alessandra to Jenna’s.

When I got home we load up the rental and head to Cerritos. Cerritos has a great park. We arrive slightly before the opening time of 1000. The park department was late opening the main attraction. When it was finally opened the kids streamed in. Lucas played for over two hours. We had trouble keeping up with him. At a little over noon we headed home.

Nancy was determined that Lucas take an afternoon nap. After he was put down I walked over to Walgreen’s to see if they had some clip-on sunglasses. They not only did not have any clip-ons but they did not have any sunglasses. I came home disappointed and took a short nap. At 1615 Lucas and I walked over the Jenna’s to get Alessandra.

Friday night is scheduled to be date night for Veronica and Steve. Nancy and I would play a movie and fix the kids dinner. Actually Nancy fixed dinner. Lucas and I had corndogs. They really were quite good.

Nancy made popcorn before the movie. I got the movie’s audio to work but could get no sound. Nancy got out a game, snakes, and she and Lucas spent the rest of the night playing this game. We put the kids down abut 2100 and we followed at 2200.

It was another nice warm day in CA. Sunny skies and the temperature reached 70.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thursday January 28,2010

1900: Happy Birthday Melissa! Today is Missy’s birthday. I remember the day well it was very cold in Ann Arbor and we could not get the defroster or windshield wipers to work on our VW Beetle. Nancy got to the hospital with 10 minutes to spare.

Today was a complicated day for old fogies. First we got Alessandra ready and put her in the car seat. Then Nancy and Lucas got in the rental and we headed to the bus stop. Nancy and Lucas are riding the bus to Lucas’s school, the Jewish Community Center, on Willow. We dropped Nancy and Lucas off and I headed to a drive through Starbucks that Steve told me about. I got a large coffee for me and a medium decaf for Nancy. I also got two blueberry scones. Alessandra and I made it to the school before Nancy and Lucas arrived. We waited about ten minutes before I saw then get off at the bus stop. After Nancy got Lucas checked in we went to a Target store on Lakewood Blvd. I wanted to buy some clip-on sunglasses. No one had any. I am having some problems with my shingles eye, left. It has become very light sensitive and if I read too long it becomes dry and irritated. At times it almost seems like the shingles have returned. I will see a DR when we get back to GR.

We walked Alessandra around the mall and then returned home. At about 1130 I walked Alessandra over the Jenna’s. Alessandra will spend the afternoon with Jenna.

Nancy and I drove back to the JCC to pick up Lucas. At 1255 we picked him up so he could help Nancy make some cookies. They spent about an hour making the cookies. Lucas spent the rest of the afternoon playing. At 1630 Lucas and I walked over to Jenna’s to pick up Alessandra. We walked home and ended up racing to see who was the fastest. Grandpa and Alessandra or Lucas. Lucas won.

Veronica has to work tonight so when Steve got home he ordered a pizza for us adults and then fixed Lucas his dinner. I am surprised at how good Steve is taking care of the kids. I would never do any of the things that he does. He deserves a gold star.

Steve just gave Lucas a bath and Nancy got Alessandra ready for bed. While they were working I wrote this blog.

I will repeat one more time raising kids is a young person’s game. Today was a typical southern CA day. Clear blue sky with temperatures in the high 60’s. It was great.

Wednesday January 27, 2010

2055: Wednesday morning after our first night in LB. I slept well and did not get up until 0655. The entire Scott Team was up getting ready for their busy day. Veronica was taking Lucas to the JCC and Steve was headed to work. Alessandra was spending the day with the grandparents.

I walked over to the local Starbucks and bought a coffee and downloaded the LA Times. I like the LAT it is a good newspaper. On my way to Starbucks I checked out the bus stops so Nancy can take Lucas to school tomorrow on the bus. I finished the LAT and then headed back home.

Nancy needed some stuff from a grocery so we put Alessandra in the stroller and walked to Albertson’s. Alessandra fell asleep about 10 minutes into our walk. Nancy made her purchases and then we headed home. We set Alessandra down for a short nap and I wrote Tuesday’s blog. After her nap we got in the rental and made a dry run of the bus ride to Lucas’s school. We stopped at Costco’s on our way home. No purchases were made but I did get a hot dog for lunch.

Nancy gave Alessandra a quick lunch and we set her down for her afternoon nap. I also took a short nap. After the nap I walked over to the LA River to see how high the water was. The river bed was almost dry. You would not know the area has received almost 10” of rain in the past week. Alessandra was waking up from her nap when I got home so I took her on a walk around the neighborhood. We walked about 45 minutes.

Steve and Veronica starting arriving after five. Nancy, Veronica and Alessandra accompanied Lucas to his gymnastics class. Steve and I went out for a beer and sandwich. Well dad had a beer. The restaurant we visited was a neighborhood establishment. I like neighborhood bars. A good time was had by father and son.

We got home before the Nancy, Veronica, Alessandra and Lucas. They stopped at McDonald’s for dinner. The Scott team is getting ready for bed and grandpa is finishing his blog. I did get my 30 in today. I should also mention that the weather today was perfect, blue sky, sunshine and temperatures in the high 60’s.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tuesday January 26, 2010

I am writing this on Wednesday. I am using Steve's computer in Long Beach. Tuesday was a travel day for Bob and Nancy. We get up in time to see Debbie off to work. As Nancy gets ready I take the bags down to the car. We stop at Stan's to get a glazed donut and then head for the airport, SFO. The traffic on the 101 was stop and go. It was stop and go because of traffic volumes and not any accidents. Nancy and I agreed that we are too old to commute every day in this traffic. We finally get to the car rental drop off. The drop off went smooth. I really like the way SFO handles car rentals. They are all in one location.

Check in went smooth and we were surprised how fast we made it through security. The workers were fast but very rude. I will take rude if the process is fast. The flight to LAX was only about 40% full. We picked up our bags and headed to Hertz. We rented another rice rocket. The trip to Steve's was uneventful. It rained most of the time. We got to Steve's and got settled in. We were going to pick up Alessandra from day care but it was raining too hard.

Steve got home about five. Nancy and I accompanied him to pick up Alessandra and Lucas. Lucas attends school at the Jewish Center. We were impressed with the facility. Lucas welcomed his grandmother with open arms and a big hug.

Veronica was attending an open house at a potential school for Lucas next year. Steve bought some Italian take out. It was good. He also opened a bottle of wine.

Nancy and I got to play with the grand kids until bed time. It was a pleasant way to spend the evening. Steve also recorded NCIS so I got to watch the show after the grand kids went to beds.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday January 25, 2010

1722: I hear Debbie’s alarm go off at 0514. I go back to bed and finally get up at 0700. As soon as we are dressed Nancy and I head for Starbucks. We each get a scone and coffee. The place was crowded.

At 0830 we are heading to Milbrae to catch the Bart into SF. The ticket machines are not very user friendly but we finally get our tickets. The Bart ride into SF was quick. We get off at Powell and Market Street and walk up Powell to Union Square. Nancy visits Macy’s and then we start walking to Chinatown. We spent some time walking around and Nancy bought some small gifts for the grand kids. We also stop at Brooks Brothers and the Orvis store. Nothing was purchased.

For lunch I bought a cookie at Starbucks and Nancy bought a granola bar at Walgreen’s. It has not rained on us all day although it looks like it will rain any minute. We take the Bart back to Milbrae and then drive home. It is raining when we pull into Debbie’s drive. In keeping with my vacation schedule, I take a short nap after reading the SFC and DFP on my Kindle. I did call Missy today and found out that Akerke was sick.

We are waiting for Debbie to get home so we can decide where we will eat dinner. Nancy has started to pack for tomorrow’s trip to LA.

2015: We all decided to eat at Harry’s Hofbrau. The roast beef sandwich was great and I had a Munich beer. The beer was good. I will start packing tonight. I called Steve tonight and found out how to get a key to his place. We will pick up Alessandra from day care tomorrow. I got my 30 in today did you?

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday January 24, 2010

2021: Sunday and it is raining in Santa Clara. I get up and head for Starbucks. The coffee shop is not busy on Sunday. I read the SFC. Not much news of CA. Most of the newspaper stories are taken from the wire services. After I finish the newspaper I get a decaf for Nancy and a hot chocolate for Debbie.

We decide to have breakfast at home. Nancy fixes her world famous poached eggs. After this big breakfast I decide I need a walk. I just get started to walk when it begins to sprinkle. I keep walking anyway. I walk down Kiely to El Camino Real. On my way home Nancy and Debbie pull up. They are on there way to a furniture store. I walked 1.5 hours.

When I get home I watch the Colts/Jets game. Debbie made a quick pit stop at home and then she and Nancy continue shopping. I did take a small nap this afternoon. After the nap I watch the Vikings/Saints game. We decide to get a light dinner so we head for the Outback. Debbie and I had the Queensland salad and Nancy had soup with a small salad.

The Vikings/Saints game was still on when we got home. I watched the overtime. I was hoping the Vikings would win. We watched 60 minutes and now Debbie is getting ready for bed. I am writing the blog and Nancy is watching CSI-NY. Tomorrow Nancy and I are taking the Bart into SF.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Saturday January 23, 2010

1725: Saturday in Santa Clara, CA. This is the day Debbie wants to sleep in. I get up around 0700 and then head to Starbucks. I read the SFC and then get a refill and small decaf for Nancy. Debbie took us out to breakfast. We all had eggs, hash browns and toast. Debbie got sausage, Nancy got a pancake and I got the hash. Debbie picked up the tab. It is great when your kids pay.

Debbie wants to take Nancy to a furniture store to get her opinion on some chairs and sofas she is thinking about buying. No furniture was purchased but Debbie did get Nancy’s input. I provided no input.

After the furniture store we head to Costco. The place was jammed. A MI Costco is never as busy as the CA stores. In CA you have to circle around the parking lot several times to get a space to park. I think the MI samples are better than CA. Nancy purchased a shirt and Debbie made several purchases. After Costco we came home and I took a nap.

After my nap I take a walk. I walked abut 1h20m. When I got home Debbie and Nancy were deciding where to eat dinner. We are eating Italian.

2015: We had dinner at Mama Mia’s. We all had the spaghetti. I had a German beer, hofbrau Munchen. The place was crowded. The SFC today said CA’s unemployment rate is 12% but you would not know it at the restaurants we frequent. We are going to watch some TV and then heading to bed. I have a new Elvis Cole book that I just started reading. So far it is pretty interesting.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday January 22, 2010

I got up at o6oo and Debbie was already getting ready for work. It was still raining when Debbie headed to work. I went back to bed and got up about 0715. It appeared that the rain had stopped. I walked over to Starbucks. Did you know that a Starbucks coffee in Santa Clara is cheaper than GR?

Starbucks was crowded. I downloaded the SF Chronicle to the Kindle. The paper was filled with stories about the storm. I learned that Meg, the eBay lady, is the front runner for the GOP nomination for GOV. Did you know that Jerry Brown is the acting Gov of CA?

After reading the paper I purchased a refill for me and a decaf for Nancy. When I got back to Debbie’s Nancy was ready for a Stan’s glazed donut. We headed to Stan’s. After our donut we headed to the mall. It was about 1000 and Nancy wanted about an hour to shop. I walked around and found an Eddie Bauer’s. I purchased a wool shirt jacket that was 60% off. At 1100 I called Debbie and told her we wanted to meet for lunch. She gave us direction and lunch was scheduled for 1200.

On our way to Debbie’s office we stopped at DSW shoes. Nancy looked around but purchased nothing. We picked up Debbie and headed to Panera Bread for lunch. Nancy had a bowl of soup, I had a bread bowl and Debbie had a sandwich. The place was crowded but service was fast.

After we dropped Debbie off Nancy and I headed to Santana Row. We walked around and visited several stores. Nothing was purchased. I told Nancy that I was ready for a nap and we headed back to Debbie’s.

It is now 1715 and we are waiting for Debbie to get home from work. Tonight we are going out to dinner. I forgot to mention that around 1000 the sun came out. It looks like the worst of the weather is over.

Debbie got home about 6 and we all decided to go to the Red Robin for dinner. The place was crowded but we did not have to wait. I had a burger and Debbie and Nancy had a turkey burger. Tonight we are going to watch TV and then turn in. We will start making plans for tomorrow.

Thursday January 21, 2010

Today is travel day. We get up at 0525 and get ready for our big trip to San Francisco. I take out Ms P so she can do her bidness and then get ready. The taxi picks us up at 0615 and we head to the airport. Since the Christmas Day airline attack in Detroit we do not know how long it will take to get through airport security. Surprise! Surprise! it took about 10 minutes.

The plane took off on schedule and we arrive at O’Hare on schedule. The gate for the plane to SF is located a short distance from where we got off. No long walk is needed. We get breakfast at McDonald’s. Our SF plane also leaves on time. It is a 777 and only about 40% full. It is a four hour trip to SF. When we arrive we have to take the tram to the car rental place. We pick up our car and head south on the 101. It is raining very hard on our trip south.

We call Debbie and tell her that we are heading for her place. We get to Debbie’s and it is still raining. I take a short nap and then we watch the SF news. The news is all about the damage caused by a week of rain. Debbie called and said it is raining too hard to go out to dinner. She stops at the grocery and got some wine and a precooked chicken. She also got some mashed potatoes and gravy. We nukes the potatoes and gravy and along with the wine and chicken had a great dinner.

Nancy and I were tired so after watching a little TV we headed to bed. I started reading an Elvis Cole book that I had downloaded to my Kindle. We did call Kim and found out that Ms P was enjoying herself.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wednesday January 20, 2010

1450: Wednesday is my easy day. This morning I decided to go to the MAC and then have breakfast at the Omelette Shop. It was a bright sunny morning but it was cold. The posted temperature on a church sign was 21. I was surprised at how busy the MAC was this morning. All I did was run 1.5 miles and some dead lifts. The only weight exercise I do is the dead lift. I read in several magazines that if you have to do only one weight exercise it should be the dead lift. I am now lifting 110 pounds. I do three sets of five, twice a week. After my shower I was sitting in the lobby getting ready for my walk to the Omelette Shop when who should appear but my child bride, Nancy. I took her to breakfast. We both had the oatmeal.

When I got home I started packing. It is hard to pack for this trip because the weather in CA indicates that some rain gear will be required. Also us old folks have to take our pills and creams when we travel. I did get everything in my Nike duffel. I still have to call the taxi for a 0615 pickup. Nancy has to work this afternoon at Meijer's Garden. We are going out to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner.

2100: We were surprised that Great Lakes was very crowded tonight. Nancy and I both had a sandwich. After dinner we watched a little TV and then at 2100 headed for bed. The alarms are set of 0525. Kim will pick up Ms P at 0900. Hasta La Vista

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tuesday January 19, 2010

1737: All the ice on the walks has changed my morning routine. This morning I did my normal set of exercises and rowed 5,000 m on the Concept II. I then walked to the MAC and did my chin-ups and ran 1.5 miles. After a shower I walked over to Breton Village and had a Starbucks coffee. The cost of a Starbucks or Kava House large coffee are now the same. After reading the DFP and WSJ I walked home.

I had a quick lunch and then ran several errands with Ms P. Our health insurance company now makes us use a mail order house for our drugs. Luckily I only have one prescription. I found this out by going to Rite Aid to renew my prescription. They told me my insurance no longer covers the nose spray. I asked what it would cost without insurance. He said $65. Normally my copay is $8. I will use the mail order house.

I talked to our neighbor, Bob Calloway, about walking around the our house every day we are in CA. He will do it and will get his grandson to shovel the walk if it should snow while we are gone. We also stopped the mail and GRP.

I have started to pack and Ms P is helping me. Tonight NCIS is on at 2000. Last night I watched 24. It was on for two hours. I think 24 is getting stale.

2110: We ate cereal tonight and watched the news. I finished the GRP and then watched NCIS. It was a rerun. Tomorrow is my easy day and I have not yet decided if I will walk to Bill's or the Omelet Shop. Some of life's big decisions.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Monday January 18, 2010

1640: Today is going to be a dark gloomy day with temperatures slightly above freezing. I did my normal at home routine and then decided to walk to the MAC. Because of all the ice on the sidewalks I walked in the street.

After the MAC I walked to the Kava House. The traffic on Breton is too heavy to allow walking in the street, so I walked on the sidewalks. The walks were all ice and I had trouble keeping my balance. I left my ice treads at home. When I reached Wealthy I walked on the bike path. The bike path was ice free. The Kava House has raised the price of their coffee so I only had a pint. I read the DFP and when I tried to open the WSJ it was not available. I figured they did not print because today is a holiday and all banks and markets are closed.

I did not get home until shortly after 1 PM. After lunch I took a short nap. This afternoon I am shining some of Nancy's shoes. I might even shine a pair of my own. I also did some searching on the web. I tried to find any information on my great Uncle McTavish. He was a captain on a Great Lakes ship. I also looked up the Deputy Officer In Charge of Construction/South East Asia. I found some data but will look for more data at a later date.

1920: Tonight was cereal night. After dinner I watched NBC news and then MSNBC. It is now 1936 and I am finishing the blog. At 2000 24 is on for 2 hours. I got my 30 in did you?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sunday January 17, 2010

1605: Ms P insisted going out 10 minutes before the alarm is suppose to go off. I did get up and let her do her bidness but I did not get to go back to bed. This Sunday I had to change my routine. The skin patch on my back caused by the Doctor taking a sample has still not healed. They recommend staying out of swimming pools. So Nancy went swimming and I ran 1.5 miles and then rowed 2K on the MAC's new Concept 2 machine. These new machines are really good. My machine has all kinds of rattles and the return coil has lost some spring. I did a PB on the MAC's machine. I also did my Monday dead lifts today.

Since we will be home several days this week Nancy decided that we did not need to go to Meijers. I did go and get coffee at the Kava House. After breakfast I read some of the GRP and then took my Sunday afternoon nap. After the nap I caught up on my technical reading and put a new watch band on the Rolex. I did watch the football game as I was reading. Right now I am going to stop this blog and go for a walk. I have to get my 30 in.

2100: I walked 3 miles and watched the end of the football game. For dinner tonight Nancy fixed hotdogs and a salad. After dinner I watched the Jets/Chargers game and finished the GRP. Steve and family Skyped us and we got to see the grandkids. Skype was designed for grandparents. At 2100 I headed upstairs to watch 24.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Saturday January 16, 2010

1722: I set the alarm for 0626 so Nancy can make her early class at the MAC. I hit the snooze two times and then got up. I decided to walk downtown to attend the RV/Trailer show. I got to the Amway Hotel at 0900. I purchased an apple fritter and coffee. The Amway's fritters are the best. I read the DFP on my Kindle. At 1000 I headed over to the RV show. The show did not appear as heavily attended as last year. They had several mega RVs costing more than $200,000. The only thing that I liked were the Airstream Travel Trailers. I think they are well made. Since I don't have a vehicle that could tow a trailer I came home.

Walking today was very treacherous. The freeze/thaw of the last couple of days had made the walks all ice. I walked in the street. When I got home Nancy and Ms P were playing outside. Nancy had also taken Ms P for a walk around the block. I read the GRP and then took a short nap.

2140: Tonight Nancy and I had dinner at Russ's. I had pea soup and a burger and Nancy had the chicken rice soup and a salad. We got home in time for the evening news. This evening I switched between a movie and the Colts/Ravens ball game. I promise I will finish my book tonight.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday January 15, 2010

1747: Nancy and I called Debbie today to wish her a happy birthday. We are looking forward to spending time with her next week.

This morning is my day to run to the MAC. I was a little worried about the roads and walks being icy. I did not encounter any ice. All week I have been surprised that I was ahead of schedule when compared to previous weeks. Then it hit me the reason was that I did not have to shovel all week. The minimum time to shovel is about 20 minutes.

When I got home from the run I took Ms P on a walk around the block. Nancy and I have decided that Ms P is getting too fat. So we are making an effort to have her walk more. We know her joints might hurt but in people years she is still younger than Nancy and Bob.

I showered and walked to the Kava House. I had time to read both the DFP and WSJ. When I got home I had a quick lunch and then we called Debbie. I was heading out to the car when Nancy called and told me our power was out. I also got a call from Bob Calloway, next door, that his power was also out. I called the power company. The power was out about an hour.

I spent the rest of the afternoon in Alto reviewing a set of bridge plans with Jennifer Dougherty. Jennifer has a nice office in downtown Alto. She spent some time explaining the new bridge code with me. After hearing Jennifer explain all the hoops you have to jump through to design a bridge, I think I retired at the right time.

This evening we are attending an OHNA TGIF. In the winter these gatherings are usually well attended. Nancy has prepared a great cheese dip to take. We also are taking a bottle of wine. Yes I have started drinking wine.

2230: The party was great and all the neighbors seemed happy to get out of the house. Nancy was talking to some new neighbors and recognized their name. They were the Rowes and they used to live in EGR. Our daughter Debbie, the birthday girl, used to babysit for them. Maggie Rowe said Debbie was the best baby sitter ever.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thursday January 14, 2010

2100: This week we have not shoveled snow once. This morning the temperature was above 32. After my at home routine I got in the C2 and headed for the MAC. The MAC had a health scare this morning. A gentlemen had a heart attack. Luckily the MAC has a defibulator and at least four emergency room doctors who are members. The quick response of the MAC staff and a young emergency room doctor revived the man before any damage was done. (debifulator is not in Word's dictionary)

After the MAC I ended up at the Kava House. I read the DFP and the many stories on the earthquake in Haiti. The earthquake was devastating and TV reports from Haiti are riveting. It is truly a worldwide rescue effort.

When I got home I had a quick lunch and then Nancy and I headed to Costco. We bought some supplies but forgot to get the peanut butter. How come we always forget the important stuff? Nancy's car was very dirty and so I headed to the car wash. It was not an original idea. The car wash had been very busy all day.

After the car wash I took a 1.5 mile walk so I could get my 30 in. Tonight, it being Thursday, we headed to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. Unlike past Thursdays the place was empty. Nancy and I got home in time to watch the news. Of course the major story was the ongoing rescue effort in Haiti.

I did watch the Mentalist with Nancy and then after the show we headed upstairs. It is suppose to drizzle all night so tomorrow morning we might have icy roads. I hate January thaws. Nancy and I have made a note to call DLS tomorrow because it is her birthday.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wednesday January 13, 2010

1307: This morning I have breakfast club. The alarm goes off at 0546 and I immediately hit the snooze. When I finally got up I had to hustle to make the 0700 meeting. The meeting was not as well attended as in the summer and fall. A lot of folks are in warmer climates. Today's speaker was introduced by a member who is 90. He is still practicing law and looks great.

Today a 10 day warm-up is suppose to begin. However, it is very windy so the temperature might be 25 but the wind chill is 15. After breakfast club I headed to the MAC to pay my locker fee for the year. When I got home I took Ms P out so she could do her bidness. I finally got the set of bridge plans checked. I called JD and told her my findings.

I have a Grand Rapids Building Authority meeting in 45 minutes. Today we are taking a tour of the old museum which has been turned into an archive center. All City and County records are stored in the building. In order to properly preserve paper records the building must have proper temperature and humidity controls. This is easier said than done.

1715: The GRBA meeting went as planned. We got a tour of the Archives Center. When I got home I put on my shoe chains and went on a 3 mile walk. As I mentioned earlier we are having a January thaw starting today. I hate January thaws because they ruin the winter. Today on my walk Reeds Lake was full of ice fishermen. They cannot fish during the thaw. A home in EGR had flooded their tennis court for an ice rink. I saw 5 kids playing hockey on the rink. The ice will be gone by tomorrow night. I must stop writing because tonight is beer and pizza night.

2100: The beer and pizza were great. I had a medium pizza and Founders IPA beer. The Founders beer was especially good. The conversation was light and no big issues were resolved. I watched a little TV until Nancy got home and now we are heading to bed. I got my 30 in today did you?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tuesday January 12, 2010

1545: Tuesdays I run to the MAC. I thought we were suppose to have a warm up today but is was super cold this morning. I wore my GPS and my average speed is still above 12' per mile. Yesterday I ran inside and my speed was 9'58" per mile. When I got home I showered and headed to the Kava House. I had time today so I read both the DFP and WSJ. The DFP was full of articles on the auto show. One discouraging article was about the battery life for the new Chevy Volt in cold climates. Normally GM says the Volt has a range of 45 miles on full battery. In cold climates that range decreases to 28 miles. Who wants an expensive electric that can go only 28 miles? The WSJ had an article on how extended cell phone use slows the development of dementia. Maybe I should use my phone more?

When Nancy got home she said that a warning light was on in the Taurus. The message said "5% remaining oil life, change oil soon". The car was scheduled for a March oil change. I took the car in and was told: don't worry about the message. The service man did not reset the gages when the car was originally serviced. I was told to use the sticker on the windshield for scheduling an oil change. In other words don't go by the high tech electronic message but use the low tech sticker.

After my ill fated trip to the Ford garage, I started checking some bridge plans. It is nice to review something that is well thought out. For the evening meal Nancy warmed up some of her homemade vegetable beef soup. It is better warmed up. We ate soup and watched the evening news.

2100: I watch NCIS every Tuesday night. This is the only show that I reserve time for. I came upstairs immediately after the show to finish this blog. I have a busy day tomorrow. At 0700 I have Breakfast Club and at 1400 I have a GRBA meeting. Tomorrow night is Nancy's book club so I will meet with Tom and Ed for pizza.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday January 11, 2010

2035: Monday morning and our timer on the coffee pot did not work. I had to push start to get thing moving. Nancy had a gift shop board meeting this morning so she was not going to the MAC. I had a 1040 skin doctor appointment so I would not go to the MAC until after the doctor. In this relaxed mood all we had to do was shovel. We received about one inch of new snow overnight.

After completing my at home routine, I showered and headed for the Kava House. In order to get to the appointment on time I set the alarm on my cell. I got to my appointment 10 minutes early and had trouble finding a seat. I hope one of the grandkids becomes a skin doctor. They coin money. At exactly 1040 I was called into the office. I had some sun damage on my head so the doctor sprayed some liquid nitrogen on the damaged areas. She also found a suspect spot on my back and took a sample for testing. I really like my doctor. Unlike her boss she will answer my questions and does not rush me.

My next stop was the MAC. I completed my Monday routine in record time. Today I was at the MAC at noon. Usually I am out of the MAC by 1030 and the place is empty. At noon the tennis courts and racket ball courts were all filled.

I noticed that a lot of outdoor runners are buying snow treads that they place on the bottom of their running shoes. The treads are suppose to be great for running on snow packed walks. I went to Gazelle Sports and bought a set. They claim the treads are one of their biggest sales items.

When I got home I had a quick lunch and then headed upstairs to check some plans. I also checked my email. I had 56 emails on my Scott Civil account and not one of them was important. I had two emails on my at home account. At 1700 I strapped on the treads and went on a three mile walk. They worked great walking on EGR's snow covered sidewalks.

During dinner Nancy and I watched the local and national news. At 1900 we watched Chris Matthews. I am already sick of all the talk about Harry Reid and his comments on the President being light skinned. Forget it, it is not important. Reid's comments were not racist.

It is now almost 2100 and I am going to continue reading my book. The book is poorly written. I am determined to finish the book even if I don't like it. Why can't I just stop?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday January 10, 2010

2100: We are getting into our normal Sunday routine. We get up at 0646 and then head to the MAC for our swim. Today for the first time ever Nancy did not get the outside lane she prefers. However, we did complete our 1500 yards. After the swim, as usual, we headed to Meijers for supplies. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I read a section of the paper and then took a short nap.

It was another nice sunny day so we decided to drive over to Lake Michigan. Our first stop was Holland State Park. They had plowed the parking lot so we were able to see the big lake. It had huge white caps and the waves were breaking over the pier. The lake was not yet frozen. We left Holland and headed north on Lakeshore Drive and ended up at Grand Haven. We drove by Grand Haven State Park but the entrance was not plowed out. The shoreline looks very serene in winter. The lake shore has a lot more snow that GR. As soon as we got home I went on a 30 minute walk. So I did get my 30 in today.

This evening we had homemade vegetable soup. Nancy made the soup from scratch this morning. It was an ideal meal for a cold winter evening. We watched 60 minutes and part of the football game. We headed to bed early tonight so we can catch up on our reading. Tomorrow I have an appointment with the skin doctor. Nancy will check me over so I can highlight some problem areas with the doctor.

Saturday January 9, 2010

2145: It has been a busy day. Nancy got up 1.5 hours before the alarm was to go off. After checking all the clocks it was determined her clock was not correct. We got some extra sleep. This morning I walked to Bill's on Michigan and had my usual pancake and eggs. It was a great day for a walk.

When I got home I started checking some plans Jennifer had given me. I was having trouble keeping my eyes open so I took a short 30 minute nap. I then resumed my plan checking. About 1500 decided to take a break and I took a 3 mile walk.

This evening we met the Namys at the Sundance Grill. We all had wine and a salad. After dinner we headed to the Namys for dessert. Mary had fixed an apple spice cake and cookies for dessert. It was very good. We left at 2100 and our car thermometer said it was 13 degrees. This is going to be a short blog because I want to watch the second half of the Dallas/Philly game. I did get my 30 in.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Friday January 8, 2010

1650: This morning I slept in until 0640. It snowed last night so Nancy and I had to shovel about 3 inches from the drive and walk. Today is my day to run to the MAC. It was really tough sledding. No one had shoveled their walk so I had to run through about 5 inches of snow. I thought my legs would fall off by the time I got to the MAC. The run home was not so bad because a lot of folks had shoveled their walks. When I got home the plows had gone through so I had to again shovel the driveway entrance.

Kim was cleaning today so I ate a quick breakfast and walked to the Kava House. I had plenty of time so I read both the DFP and WSJ. I got all worked up about an article on a proposed wind farm off of Cape Cod. The site is an ideal site but the folks in MA are fighting the project tooth and nail. Little Bobby Kennedy is especially fighting the project. Wind energy is a truly renewable resource and Green Bobby thinks it is ok except in his back yard.

Nancy talked to Kim and she will take Ms P while we are in CA. I had a quick lunch and then took a quick 40 minute nap. Tonight we are going out to dinner with Linda and Tom Moleski, then we are going to the Symphony.

2305: We had dinner at the Bull's Head. I had the rainbow trout and Nancy had prime rib. Both meals were great. After dinner we headed over to DeVos Hall to listen to a preconcert lecture. This is the second lecture I have attended and I think it makes the concert more enjoyable. The concert was good. We got home at 1030, read the GRP and headed to bed. I will post this blog tomorrow.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thursday January 7, 2010

2055: We had a fine dusting of snow last night. It was not enough to shovel but I had to put some salt on the hill to make it navigable. I drove to the MAC today. It started to snow very hard about 1000.

After the MAC I headed to the Kava House in heavy snow. I started to read the DFP when Mark a regular at the Kava House stopped by and we started talking. Mark was in Vietnam in the late 60s and we talked about the stupidity of the war. Mark suffered from Post TS as a result of his time in Vietnam and has been living on disability since then. He does not drive and walks to the Kava House. In December his apartment was broken into and a laptop and other items were taken. Mark is still shook up about the B&E. On an upside he has joined a group of veterans from his old outfit. The group has over 500 members and Mark has been emailing old buddies.

After the Kava House I had a quick lunch and then shoveled the drive. I had a 2:15 dentist appointment and had to hurry to make it on time. My teeth are in good shape.

After checking some email I started shoveling the walk. Nancy came out and helped me. After getting the walks cleared Nancy and I headed to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. On our way home we stopped at Talbots and D&W. Not much on TV so I came upstairs and started writing the blog. It is still snowing so I bet we have to shovel first thing tomorrow. I did get my 30 in, did you?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wednesday January 6, 2010

1435: Today is Wednesday my easy day. I did not wake up until 0700 and immediately took an anxious Ms P out to do her bidness. We had a thin dusting of snow last night. I only had to shovel the walk. After the shoveling I walked to Bill's for their $3.50 breakfast special. The walk to Bill's is very pleasant when I walk through the Aquinas campus. I also think it is a little shorter than going to Bill's via Fuller Ave.

After breakfast I checked my email and then got in the C2 and headed to the MAC for a 1000 yard swim. The pool was really crowded. All lanes had a least 2 people. After the swim I headed to Fifth Third bank to make a deposit. This is the time of year when I pay Tru-Green and GRIrrigation for their summer work. I usually make a onetime payment because they offer a good discount.

I am sitting in my office with a portable heater running and of course Ms P is laying in front of the heater. I will stop writing this blog so I can begin checking a set of plans.

2135: Tonight was cereal night. I had mine with strawberries. Not much on TV tonight, I watched the Kudlow Report and then came upstairs to continue checking plans. I hope to get about two chapters read in my book. I did get my 30 in, did you?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tuesday January 5, 2010

Today was my first long run of the year. I strapped on the GPS and headed to the MAC. The MAC was not overly busy for being the first Tuesday of the new year. Usually all the folks who have made resolutions show up for the first three weeks. Maybe the weather is discouraging them. The weather is really not that bad for early January. In fact I think we are about right on with the averages. My mileage times are not getting any better. My average speed is still about 12'14" for a mile. Inside I run 10' miles. Does the little bit of snow make that much difference? Or is the inside track at the MAC shorter than what they claim.

After my shower, I walked to the Kava House. At the Kava House I bought the double coffee, 16 oz, instead of the triple, 20 oz, because today is free refill day. I read both the DFP and WSJ. The WSJ had a big article on deep water drilling. I guess Exxon is just beginning to bring up oil from their deep water field in the Gulf of Mexico. It appears that there is much more oil than originally thought in the deep water fields. The deep water oil field and the gas extraction from rock is very encouraging.

I did not get home until 1330. After a quick lunch I headed upstairs and started printing some plans that Cogent Engineering had sent. My printer does a great job with 11"x17" prints. Nancy got our trip to CA confirmed this afternoon. We will be spending about 12 days in CA.

This evening Nancy is fixing spaghetti for dinner. I brought up a bottle of two buck Chuck to go with the meal. This week I have been drinking wine with the evening meal. I just hope tonight that I don't spill a glass like last night.

Tonight I will read the GRP and then watch NCIS. I also hope to continue with my book. Last night I feel asleep and did not get anything read.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Monday January 4, 2010

Today is the first Monday of the year. We had a light snow fall last night so I had to start the day shoveling. It was cold this morning and the temperature never got above 25 all day. I drove the C2 to the MAC today and after the MAC I drove to the Kava House. I read the DFP and found out that the Feds are about to charge several Detroit politicians with bribery and abuse of power. Most of the charges involve Detroit's two pension funds.

After the Kava House I came home and had a quick lunch. I checked my email and then decided to do some clean up chores. I loaded a set of old dishes for delivery to the Salvation Army. We cleaned the basement of all cardboard boxes. I took Ms P and we drove first to the Salvation Army and then to the recycling center in Kentwood. Our next stop of Horrick's to buy some critter feed for the squirrels. They were out. I also stopped by Rylee's Hardware and got a new filter for our small humidifier. The cold weather has made the house very dry. Sparks fly when we walk. They had a filter and I got the humidifier working full blast right now.

Since I must practice what I preach I took a 1.5 mile walk. It took 30 minutes. I am now up in my office writing this blog. It is 5:42. I just tried to order a leather vest from Orvis using a gift card from Nancy. I was very disappointed that they did not have any and none were on back order.

After dinner and the news I read the GRP and then watched Kudlow on CNBC. I decided to go to bed early so I went upstairs about 8:15. I hope to finish the book I am reading tonight. Must get a good night's sleep because it is suppose to snow tonight and I will have to shovel in the morning.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sunday January 3, 2010

The first Sunday of the new year and we were expecting a full swimming pool. Surprise, surprise we each had our own lane. We both swam 1500 yards. After the swim we headed to Meijer's to purchase the weeks supplies. The majority of our purchases were for the dog and birds. It was extremely cold this morning with the temperature in single digits. However, the heated seats in the Taurus makes cold weather driving a pleasure.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. After reading two sections of the paper I head upstairs to take my Sunday afternoon nap. After the nap, Nancy and I drove to the mall to exchange some shoes. We also went to Bed, Bath and Beyond to get a filter for our humidifier. The cold weather had made the house very dry. They did not have a filter but Nancy checked on line and Ace Hardware carries the filters. Ms P accompanied us on our errands.

It was a very cold day, but sunny with a nice white snow cover. On such a nice winter day I had to take a 3 mile walk. Nancy fixed hamburgers for dinner. I also had baked beans. I love baked beans. We watched 60 minutes and then Steve skyped us from Long Beach and we talked with them for awhile. It is now 9:42 and as soon as I finish this blog I am going to bed. I got my 30 in today.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Saturday January 2, 2010

We woke up to a very cold morning. I decided to walk to Bill's on Michigan for breakfast. I bundled up and headed out. I did stop at the coffee shop on Fulton just east of Fuller. I knew Rick DeVries would be having his Saturday morning coffee. Sure enough Rick was there and we had a nice chat before I headed out to Bill's. I had my usual breakfast and read the DFP. On my walk home I took at different route. I walked east on Michigan to Alten and then headed south. Alten ends at the entrance to Aquinas College. I walked through Aquinas and then south on Gladstone. I was a great day for a walk, cold, crisp and sunny.

When I got home I loaded Ms P in the C2 and ran some errands. We stopped at Al's and Gander Mountain but did not purchase anything. I spent a good portion of the afternoon paying some yearend bills. Nancy had several other things to mail so I walked to the mailbox at the EGR City Hall.

This evening Nancy and I finished some leftovers and broke out a bottle of 2 buck Chuck. We watched the news and then the AK/E Carolina game. We are right now watching the MSU/TT game and it is tied. I am cheering for MSU. I don't like any team from Texas.

Tomorrow Nancy and I are betting that we will have to share a swimming lane. Every year folks make a resolution that they are going to start exercising. It usually lasts about 5 weeks.

Friday, January 1, 2010

January 1, 2010

Happy New Year. For some reason I got up early this morning. It did not snow last night so we did not have to shovel. I put on the running shoes and headed for the MAC. It was a beautiful morning for a run. We had clean white snow, a clear sunny sky and no traffic. The run home was just as enjoyable. Since the Kava House is closed today I got in the C2 and headed to Starbucks in Gaslight Village. The place was crowded and no seats were available. I then went to Starbucks at the D&W in Breton Village. I drank my coffee and read the DFP. There was no WSJ today.

This afternoon Nancy and I attended a get together at the Moleskis. The Namys and Tim Mast were also in attendance. We had ham, hot potato salad, special breads and salad. Of course we had beer and wine. We watched the outdoor hockey game from Boston and the Penn State football game. We headed for home about 8:30. Right now I am watching the Sugar Bowl and seeing Florida run away with the game. Tomorrow I will start watching what I eat. I say this every new year.

Today I was trying to remember my first memory of New Years Day. It was January 1, 1948 and the Fletchers invited our entire family to attend a Rose Bowl party at their house. The party had all those cute little sandwiches and cakes. I got all the coke I wanted to drink. There was no TV in Alpena so we listened to the game on radio. UM won 49-0. They beat USC.