Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wednesday April 29, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0555. Wednesday is my easy day so I have a bowl of oatmeal at Marie Catrib's and then head for the office. At 0800 I must proctor a PCI exam. While monitoring the exam I talk with the boys at the office. It is good to know that they are very busy.

On my way home I stop at Rylee's Hardware to price cypress mulch. It is $3.75 for a 2 cubic foot bag.

HC is going with Nancy to Meijer's Garden. I will pick her up at 2:30 and take her to the airport for her trip back to Tucson.

I renewed a CD today and got only 2%. I renewed for only 11 months. I think interest rates will start to climb soon.

I stopped at Lowe's and their price for a 3 cubic foot bag of mulch is $2.75. While at Lowe's I get a call from HC and she wanted to know if I was to pick her up at 2 or 2:30. I said 2:30 but could tell she was antsy. I head for Meijer's Garden and pick up HC. We got to the airport at 2:30.

Continuing my search for the best price for mulch I stop at Home Depot. Their price is $2.75 for a 2 cubic foot bag. Lowe's win. I bought an electric leaf/grass blower at Home Depot.

I get home and take a 3 mile walk. My first walk in about 10 days. Nancy and I changed the bed linen on 2 beds. We are now back to normal.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. Friday mild. Raking leaves at Dick Schultz in morning. Dick spreads manure. GG continues to rake between showers. GG worked in post office in afternoon.

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