Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday April 5, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0656. After I take Ms Petunia out to do her bidness, I head to the MAC for my Sunday swim. I honor of Nancy the west lane was not used today. I did go to Meijers and bought some MI apples, yogurt and a couple of sour cream donuts.

When I got home I finished my laundry. I had to do four loads. Now if I could only learn to cook.

I did take my Sunday nap. After the nap, Ms Petunia and I took a walk around the block. I also took a 3 mile walk.

The day started with some sun but it is now cold and gloomy. It is suppose to snow tonight. Will winter never end?

The MSU victory last night was front page news. MI needed some good news. I have been following the President's trip to Europe. I think he is doing a good PR job. I do have some problems with his domestic agenda. I think the federal government is getting too much power. Get off my back Feds.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was cold, 22 in morning, and they got 1/2" of snow. GG drove to Alpena and delivered quilts and dishes to Aunt Laura. They also got a license for Molan car.

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