Friday, April 3, 2009

Friday April 3, 2009

Ms P and I wake at 0615. It is lonely in the house with Nancy gone. As I was wheeling my retro out of the garage I noticed that it had a flat tire. I got the road bike off the hooks and rode it to the MAC. It being Fri I was really tired at the end of my 2.5 mile ride. As usual I read the DFP and had coffee at the Kava House. The DFP is loaded with coverage of the NCAA BB Finals. I think they get so depressed writing about the problems in Detroit that the BB finals is welcome news. The DFP did have an article on the financial problems of the Detroit Public Schools. They now have a financial czar the try and sort thing out. The schools have a 300 million deficit. The czar, Robert Bobb, was the former city manager of Kalamazoo and Oakland, CA. I know several people who have worked for him and they say he is top notch.

After lunch Ms P and I head to the bike shop to get a new tube. I also stop by the hardware store and buy a portable work bench. Ms P and I took Nancy's car in to the body shop to get an estimate to fix some bad rust around a wheel well. It looks like $500 will get a decent repair.

This being the first of the month we have a lot of utility bills to pay. I complete this task and walk the bills over to the post office. I had dinner at the Outback. I sat at the bar and had the Queensland salad and a beer. After dinner I walked over to Barnes and Noble and looked at some books. I got a call from Tasha. She was in a good mood. We did not complete our conversation because of static problems.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. It was cold. Everything was frozen. Church got out at noon. (I don't know why GG made this entry. Isn't church always out at noon?) My Uncle Jim Scott and his family stopped by for a visit. GG noted it was too cold to go fishing. He did note that the Pattersons caught 1 pail of smelt at Cranberry Creek.

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