Saturday, April 25, 2009

Saturday April 25, 2009

Today started on a sad note. I got to the Mt Pleasant hospital and the nurse informed me that cousin Peg was not responding. I talked to sister, HC, and we agreed, in accordance with Peg's wishes, that mechanical life support efforts be stopped. At 1130 cousin Peg passed. May she rest in peace.

I called HC, Sasha, Tasha and SPS and informed them. She will me missed.

I drove to Rosebush Manor to tell Peg's friend Edna that she had passed. Edna was a good friend and I know she will miss Peg. HC is flying into GR tonight. Tomorrow we drive to Alma to meet with the funeral director to make final arrangements.

It rained all the way home. When I got home Nancy told me that Tasha and Ms P were driving to GR. Tasha will travel with us tomorrow on our trip to Alma.

We had Big Bob Pizza for dinner tonight. Must close now I have to go to the airport to get HC.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. Monday cold, north wind. GG worked in post office in morning. Hazel (GGM) went to Edna Myers funeral. GG burned 3 piles of leaves.

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