Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thursday April 16, 2009

Another beautiful spring day. It was in the mid 30s when I got up but after the sun came up the temperature rose to the mid 60s. I wore a light jacket for my bike trip to the MAC. Also for the first time since November I did not wear lined pants, a sure sign spring is here.

Today is the first game of the playoffs for the Red Wings so the DFP had a lot of coverage. The Red Wings have played 521 playoff games. Columbus is playing their first.

I have been checking the grass daily. It is not quite ready for cutting. I did notice that our tulips are up. Several apple trees in the neighborhood have blossoms. I called cousin Peg. She has been fighting a cold but said she feels better. We are having lunch on Sunday.

This afternoon I loaded up the kayak and headed for Yankee Springs in Barry County. I bought an annual State Park sticker for my car. I put the kayak in a small shallow lake in the Yankee Spring area. The lake is so shallow that most boats on the lake are non motorized. I paddled around the lake. The water was very clear and I saw a lot of fish and turtles. I also so a nesting hawk and several sand hill cranes. It was a very pleasant paddle.

This evening I walked over to Gas Light Village and had a tuna salad sandwich at Olga's Kitchen. I also bought an ice cream cone at Jersey Junction. I fell asleep in front of the TV so I decided I had better finish the blog and go to bed.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. McNeil measured out lots 7 and 8 for Brook and Ed Schurske. David Johnson helped and was paid a dollar. (Ed McNeil was a surveyor and also a cousin of GG) GG had a new muffler put in car, $2.75. Edna Townsand called.

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