Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tuesday April 28, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0555. After a short exercise routine (50%), HC and I head for Rosebush Manor and a memorial service for cousin Peg. The memorial service was dignified. I am sure that cousin Peg would have approved. HC and I stayed for lunch at the Rosebush Manor. We also packed Peg's clothes, dishes and other small items. We will give these items to the Salvation Army.

After lunch we headed for the old Holiday Inn and placed a reservation for the day of the memorial service on Friday May 23. The memorial service will be held at the Alma Riverside Cemetery. It will start at 1100.

We also stopped by the Morning Sun office to get 10 copies of today's newspaper. The paper had Peg's obituary.

When we got home I delivered the items to the Salvation Army. Our grass is really long so I got out the mower and began the first cutting of the year. I did stop for dinner with Nancy and HC. After dinner I finished cutting the grass.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. Thursday mild and windy. Missionary meeting GG drove Ms Tolan. GG drove to Alpena for chicken feed. They bought 200# scratch and 25# loning mash.

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