Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday April 10, 2009

Ms P and I slept in until 0630 today. The MAC has been empty all week. It must be because of spring break. This morning was cool and windy. It warmed up later in the day to the mid 50s.

The DFP is back writing about the problems with the City of Detroit. The City Council has bucked a regional authority taking over the management of Cobo Hall. The Hall is in a bad state of disrepair. The State of Michigan, Wayne, Oakland and Macomb Counties back the regional authority. The City of Detroit does not want to give up ownership. The City has a $300 million debt and has let Cobo Hall deteriorate. The Detroit Auto Show cannot continue without Cobo Hall. All the newspapers, surrounding communities, and business groups support the regional authority. It is a sad state of affairs. The City is digging its own grave.

This afternoon Ms P and I ran several errands. I had to exchange a pair of walking shoes I bought yesterday and I purchased a bike bag for the road bike. I did have time for a 1 1/2 mile walk.

I had dinner tonight at the GR Brewing Company. I had the cherry chicken salad and a silver foam beer. I gave it a 3.2.

Today is Good Friday. During my youth all stores and businesses in Alpena were closed from 12 to 3PM on Good Friday. We also did not have any school. I don't know when this practise was discontinued. My grandmother said that you had to plant your peas on Good Friday.

Ossineke, Mi this date in 1938. GG noted the biggest run of smelt last night and they continue to be caught in all holes 1/2 mile upstream all day. GG counted 80 cars belonging to smelt fishermen.

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